Art. Beauty. Life.
Britten will share an in-depth insight into her TEDxVail Talk about Beauty. First, she will answer the question, How do artists make something from nothing? Britten paints the world she wants through A.R.T., her Aesthetic Revolutionary Theory. Second, she explains how beauty erases the line between fantasy and reality, is awe-inspiring a range of emotions, and found all around us. Finally, she will share how she connects to her flow.
“My life is my art and my art is my life. There is no separation between the two and it has taken me years to accept this fully. In this acceptance, I have found the gift of creativity, which is to both give and receive. Creativity is not owned by anyone, it is an energy that manifests whatever is needed.And so I paint… with the intention that the viewer is able to experience exactly what drew him or her to the painting, lighting the spark of creation within.” Britten
Connect with Britten at Studio Britten
TEDxVail Talk (Click Here)
Britten Speaking about her Process (Click Here)
TEDxVail (Click Here)
BeSimply Radio Broadcasting on Itunes (Click Here)
Additional Conversations with TEDxVail Speakers…
Humanity. TEDxVail. Honesty. Compassion.
(Click Here)
Kailyn Forsberg shares the value of honesty, compassion, and tolerance. In addition, Kailyn reveals why truthfulness with self and others has made life easier to live. During this conversation, she encourages us to remember that we are all humans. She shares this is important to remember when approaching others that appear to be different. Furthermore, she shares the humanity in all of us is the bridge that can help us be compassionate.
Ultimately, Kailyn encourages us to consider relating to one and another with tolerance and honesty.
Watch Kailyn’s TEDxVail talk (Click Here)
About Ira Helfand:
Ira Helfand, MD is co-president of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, recipient of the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize, and he is co-founder and past president of Physicians for Social Responsibility, IPPNW’s US affiliate.
TEDxVail Dr. Helfand (Click Here)
TEDxVail…Paul Churchill {Recovery Elevator} (Click Here)
Yesmeen’s Purpose Project. (Click Here)
3 Cups of Tea and 3 Questions with ‘She’