Life is providing “US” with an invitation to dive deeper into the inner landscape. The current state of “affairs” are weighing on the collective and individual mind + heart.

As inspired…
+Keep noticing that your feet are planted firmly on the earth
+Welcome the heart and mind to stay clear and open.
+Observe the breath.
It will take effort to hold center, it is a daily practice.
Each one of you is meeting a certain amount of individual karma (cause and effect) and collective karma. These very personal and distinct moments which require great strength coupled with a willingness to heal, transform, reconcile and let go of what you think you know.
It will take effort to hold center, it is a daily practice. Lean into the POSSIBLE.
Life to all. Peace to all. Love to all.

“Everything is sorrow for the wise.”
― Patanjali,

A Recipe to Nourish the Heart
Hand Pick the ingredients from an organic garden or your local market.
(5-8) Vine Ripened Tomatoes
(1) Cucumber
1/2 Cup Organic, Marconas Almonds
(2) Cloves of Garlic
2 T Balsamic Vinegar
Himalayan Salt + Fresh Cracked Pepper
2 T Fresh Chopped Basil
+Rinse fresh produce.
+Chop tomatoes into large quarters.
+Peel the cucumber.
+Peel the Garlic.
+Gently Place…all ingredients listed above with LOVE into a blender or food processor. +Blend.
Serve with LOVE, Fresh Basil and Almonds.
Celebrating the start of baseball season sans the FANS but it is a start.
It is Time to end the TRUMAN SHOW.

Immune Boost + Retain Well Begin

#springvirtue #patience #shinymirror #vitaminc #anger #action #clarity #zinc #stopvirus #sunshine #chaga #exercise

The trend of yoga, mindfulness, ritual and spiritual mystique that has become commonplace in health, wellness, business, entertainment, athletics and personal lives globally. In fact, it is a multi-billion dollar industry. In addition, there are billions of photos on the World Wide Web documenting and expressing these practices, teachings, selfies, goods and more. All of which probably support and inspire many in one way or another. Yet, are any of these odes truly a sign of one’s level of consciousness or indicator they ARE or Soon TO BE” enlightened?
I would respond, “NO.” In fact, it is quite the opposite. Most of what is portrayed as sacred or wisdom has an essence of grasping underplayed by the beautiful mask that is offered. The mask contains seeds that will eventually awaken in the pretender and in those who sip it up. (Click Here to Read More)
On-Going Food Alchemy Class Mind You + Food: Unlock Your Potential

Ecuador Adventure 2021

Bali Adventure 2021

Monthly Sol+Luna Support & Nourishment
Feel into the moment and learn how to share the emotions you want to build upon. Creating good vibrations with self and the world around you.

BeSimply…Winter’s Invitation {Look IN}