Food Alchemy with ‘She’…Winter Tea.
Are you tired of consuming foods based on trends? Are you eating foods because you want a specific outcome? Do you want to learn how to listen for what your body, mind, heart and soul needs/wants to contribute to your well being?
During the Winter months, you can nourish your inner and outer being by listening and slowing down. There are many foods that are available to help you maintain well being. Furthermore, a simple way to support your well being is to have a few dried flowers and herbs for simple teas and cooking on hand. The following ingredients and herbs can support you during the winter season: gogi berries, astragalus root, red date teas.

Goji Berry Tea…GO ji support, nourishment for winter months.
Not only can you steep these red delights in a pot of hot water for a nourishing tea….you can blend into a bowl of morning porridge with other seasonal food friends. This nutrient rich gift from Mother Nature can also be added to all sorts of savory and sweet dishes.
There are many benefits which include:
+Protects the eyes and help reduce the risk of glaucoma.
+Provides immune system support.
+Builds up your red blood cells.
+By consuming is a proactive measure against cancer. +Promotes healthy skin…increases collagen.
+Stabilizes blood sugar.
+Improves depression, anxiety, and sleep.
+Prevents liver damage and removes the fat build up in the liver.
The list goes on. The secret to staying in harmony is to eat seasonal foods and complement your diet with foods that will helps areas that are out of balance. This is why the dried herbs, berries, bark, roots serve as the medicine as simply a tea or a nutrient you add to your meal.
As inspired, listen in to what is needed and proactively replenish your system during each season.

Astragalus Root Tea
Another Winter treasure that you can steep in a pot of hot water for a nourishing tea….you can also blend into a bowl of morning porridge with other seasonal food friends. This root will be happy to hang out and serve with the Goji Berry too.
This nutrient rich food from Mother Nature can be added to all sorts of savory and sweet dishes.

Tea Recipe:
10-20 Slices Astragalus Root
1/2 T. Cinnamon Chips
1 T. Dried Orange Peel
2 Cardamom Pods
2 Cloves
1/2 tsp. Peppercorn
2-1/2 tsp. dried Ginger
2 tsp. Goji Berries
There are many benefits which include:
+Increases oxygen in body and blood efficiency in the body.
+Ain’t-Aging Support
+Provides immune system support..flu and cold.
+Prevents asthma episodes
+By consuming is a proactive measure against cancer. +Promotes healthy skin…increases
Not only can you steep these red delights in a pot of hot water for a nourishing tea….you can blend into a bowl of morning porridge with other seasonal food friends.
This nutrient rich gift from Mother Nature can also be added to all sorts of savory and sweet dishes. There are many additional benefits which include:
+Protects the eyes and help reduce the risk of glaucoma.
+Provides immune system support.
+Builds up your red blood cells.
+By consuming is a proactive measure against cancer and reduces cell growth.
+Reduces side effect of chemo-therapy.
+Improves depression, anxiety, and sleep.
+Prevents liver damage and removes the fat build up in the liver.
+Liver Cancer Tumor Reduction and healing.
+Kidney Disharmony.
+Seasonal Allergies.
+Wound healing.
The list goes on. The secret to staying in harmony is to eat seasonal foods and complement your diet with foods that will helps areas that are out of balance. This is why the dried herbs, berries, bark, roots serve as the medicine as simply a tea or a nutrient you add to your meal.
As inspired, listen in to what is needed and proactively replenish your system during each season.
There are many additional benefits which include:
+Protects the eyes and help reduce the risk of glaucoma.
+Provides immune system support.
+Builds up your red blood cells.
+By consuming is a proactive measure against cancer and reduces cell growth.
+Reduces side effect of chemo-therapy.
+Improves depression, anxiety, and sleep.
+Prevents liver damage and removes the fat build up in the liver.
+Liver Cancer Tumor Reduction and healing.
+Kidney Disharmony.
+Seasonal Allergies.
+Wound healing.
The list goes on. The secret to staying in harmony is to eat seasonal foods and complement your diet with foods that will helps areas that are out of balance. This is why the dried herbs, berries, bark, roots serve as the medicine as simply a tea or a nutrient you add to your meal.
As inspired, listen in to what is needed and proactively replenish your system during each season.

Red Date Tea

Red Date Tea…take all three of these goodies add to hot water and allow it to steep. Then, enjoy on its own or with a meal. During the winter season, it is especially important to drink warm liquids or room to keep your inner fire ignited.
+Nutrient and Mineral Rich
+Prevent Cancer
+Regulates Blood Pressure
+Prevents Cataracts
+Blood Builder
+Heart Health
+Immune System Boost
+Rest well
The list goes on….
The secret to staying in harmony is to eat seasonal foods and complement your diet with foods that will helps areas that are out of balance. This is why the dried herbs, berries, bark, roots serve as the medicine as simply a tea or a nutrient you add to your meal. As inspired, listen in to what is needed and proactively replenish your system during each season.

Way of Tea…More Winter Teas

During this time of year, it is common to feel the body aches with this can be an early indicator of the flu or a cold. If possible, take a quick proactive measure to nourish yourself back into well being.
One simple step is to combine hot water, a sliced up lemon, a few tablespoons of honey, and ginger to a comfortable taste. Keep drinking it until your system returns to normal. In addition, get plenty of rest and eliminate sugar, refined flour and alcohol (toxins) from your daily diet.

Cocoa Ceremony…Winter Love
Next, this magical fruit has so much to offer that when honored in a traditional ceremony the heart of receiving and giving are taken to deeper levels of understanding. Nature has a beautiful way to teach, nourish, encourage and support your well being. Honor you. Honor nature… continued here
As inspired, listen deeply the next time you abide in any food with cocoa in it.

Cardamom and Cinnamon Spice
Finally, these spices make everything just right. Winter love in a cup of tea or in your slow cooked foods will awaken your inner light! “Cinnamon improves digestion and absorption, and promotes elimination. It removes toxins from the body, and improves circulation by strengthening the heart and warming the kidneys. As a blood thinner, cinnamon prevents heart attacks. Additionally, cinnamon may be used in the treatment of respiratory and sinus congestion, bronchitis, colds, and the flu. It is both an expectorant and a decongestant.” Vedic Healing Continued Here…

Quick recipes for college students, people on the go and those wanting to try simple recipes. Be Simply!
MadDog Burger “Roar”. Veggie Patty ‘YUM’ (Click Here)
Everyone has different nutritional needs, each self has a different physical system that responds uniquely to what you feed it. According to Chinese Medicine, humanity has evolved into three general ways of eating (carnivores, Veggie/carnivore, and veggie). Within these ways each self can learn to listen for what will best support one’s well being.

Follow me on Instagram #suzannetoro @omtoroshe
The alchemy of food is about learning how to listen to what your body, mind, heart and soul needs/wants to support you need on a daily basis. This will be different based on your natural rhythm and the season we are in.
As inspired, tune in further below to the Winter Food Segment on the foods that will help support your entire well being.
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Food Alchemy with ‘She’ ~ Winter Cleanse…3, 5, 8, 13 or 21
On-Going Food Alchemy Class , Food Alchemy Cooking Class ,

Respect Yourself. Food Alchemy and Well Being.
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Winter Cleanse. Fresh Seasonal Plant Based Cleanse with Tea and Juices. Conducting a cleanse between the transitions of seasons will assist you in retaining well being. This Winter Cleanse will help you detoxify and guide you into balanced Fall nutrition. In addition, this cleanse will assist you to shed, maintain, or gain weight with a lifestyle plan for Fall.
Winter Cleanse, Tea and Juice Cleanse
Click HERE to Learn More and/or Sign-UP
The Plant Based Cleanse is a very gentle cleanse that will detoxify your entire system (mind, body, heart and soul). This particular cleanse is suitable for all body types will be modified to fit your individual needs and constitution. This cleanse consists of taking in a plant based mono-diet, which will allow the digestive system to take a much-needed break, giving it new light and the ability to properly flush out toxins in the system. In addition, you will have tea, spice and juice blends made custom for you. Suzanne makes herself available to you during the cleanse, provides sound therapy on the way in and on the way out of the cleanse. In addition, encourages you to become self aware of where you are ready to heal, transform and take action in your life.
Furthermore, the cleanse is offered in conjunction with or separate from, a holistic program that unlocks the student’s potential. Another option, is to participate in the cleanse independently. Suzanne instructs her class with an integrative approach. The class is a blend of wisdom of Chinese, Tibetan, Native American, Ayurvedic and Yogic systems. She couples this with knowledge from her combined 30 years of experience as an endurance athlete, who trained as a swimmer, marathon runner and yogi. In addition, her practical knowledge of how she retains balance and restored harmony in her life while raising a family, transitioned through major life changes, built her own businesses and consulted on a variety of business projects.

3 Cups of Tea and 3 Questions with ‘She’

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She is here to serve, inspire & shine a light on others. She is a (BirthLifeDeparture) Transition Guide.
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