“Admit something:
Everyone you see, you say to them, “Love me.”
Of course you do not do this out loud, otherwise
someone would call the cops.
Still, though, think about this, this great pull in us to connect.
Why not become the one who lives with a
full moon in each eye that is
always saying,
with that sweet moon language,
what every other eye in
this world is
dying to
Hafiz from Love Poems from God. Daniel Ladinsky, Ed.
Every lunar cycle the “moon” reflects light and shadow. We have reached the NEW moon in a month currently identified as January, in the 12th Lunar Cycle (in coordination with Tibetan tradition). The NEW Moon and the season of WINTER invites you into to be still with what is rising up and sifting out of your entire being. Imagine the fresh snow providing you with a blank canvas to start fresh in the first of the upcoming spring season.
In accord with Chinese Traditions, the lunar cycle marks the beginning of the Chinese Lunar New Year Celebrations. (Happy Chinese Lunar New Year to all celebrating). This Lunar cycle is a procession leading to the Tibetan New Year. Then we will begin our procession into SPRING celebrations in the Northern Hemisphere.
For this astronomical moment, is inviting you to START FRESH. Leave it all behind or at least that which no longer serves. From there, you are invited to lean into a new ‘era’ by letting go of the imprints and obstructions that no longer serve your well being and humanity’s. Furthermore, this is that moment to vision, create and move into silent action. The era of refining your innate gifts and serving with them. Your gifts are precious and contribute to the whole. You have a unique role.
In addition, it is that beautiful opportunity to remember how to RECEIVE and refine why, how and where you GIVE. It will be important for you to acknowledge that which you create is the force of energy within you that bridges that which you receive and give. This is a regenerative force that exists within you. As you begin to balance those energies, you will create the space to deepen your understanding of what this truly means from within you. You will learn how Receiving and Giving is kept in harmony within you and with the world around you.
Are you ready? IF SO…Let’s DO ‘THIS’…Harness YOUR VISION! It is your destiny to ‘Create This’.
Happy NEW MOON. As inspired, listen deeply.
The New Moon Moon Arrives(d) Saturday, January 21 (22), 2023 at 12:53 PM PST
“The moon does not fight. It attacks no one. It does not worry. It does not try to crush others. It keeps to its course, but by its very nature, it gently influences. What other body could pull an entire ocean from shore to shore? The moon is faithful to its nature and its power is never diminished.”
― Deng Ming-Dao
Every lunar cycle the “moon” reflects light and shadow. We have reached the FULL moon in a month currently identified as February the 5th day of the month in the 12th Lunar Cycle (in coordination with Tibetan tradition). The FULL Moon and the season of WINTER continues to welcome us to ‘be with still’ with ‘what is’ rising up and sifting out of your entire being. The energy of this lunar cycle is a gift and an opportunity to harness the extra charge and save it to use internally and externally. As I mentioned on the NEW MOON, imagine the fresh snow providing you with a blank canvas to start fresh. Continue to build upon this as we traverse through Winter and Summer here on Planet earth. Furthermore, this is a time of purification and alignment. Preparing yourself for creation through your mastery. As inspired, clear out the corners of the mind, body, heart and soul. The forward motion and stillness will reflect and mirror the full potential the WINTER Season offers all of us. Finally, continue to honor mother earth’s season for rest…’just be’ with her as you prepare to harness your creative energy and sit with all that is rising.
We are now full throttle in Yin (water) and Yang (fire) on Planet Earth. The warm fire welcomes us all home to be with the sacred water reflections in both summer and winter. Water + Fire will offer usher us into the depths of creative incubation and the climax of dynamic action and forward motion.
The Full Moon Moon Arrives(d) today, Sunday, Feb. 5, at 10:29AM PST