Join Jeffrey James and Suzanne Toro as they dive into mental health, evolution, asking for what you need, accountability, triggers, self aware, self regulate, ethics and more. “From the…
oday, We dive into a deeper understanding of moving beyond duality. You will learn how to practice being beyond one self and moving into dynamic grace with all that is and is not.
As inspired, ask yourself are you interested in being an instrument of peace?
Join Suzanne Toro and Christopher David as they explore the value of honesty, motivation, and perseverance in all aspects of life. Christopher shares his story in how he has found the power in self-healing, letting go of his old state of being and being a male survivor. Join Suzanne Toro and Rae Indigo. Rae shares her mastery in the practice of life, yoga and with all her relations. We dive into the deeper aspects of yoga,…
Join Suzanne Toro and Kerri Kelly in an in-depth conversation around her new book, American Detox: The Myth of Wellness and How We Can Truly Heal. We find a possible…