Birth Life Next This segment we will explore…The Womb, Water and Death (both sides of the coin). An opportunity to explore that which is not completely remembered here. To listen…
She will guide you through joyfully imagining your cycle of life. Thinking about our beginning and end of this life and the next life. An opportunity to explore that which is not completely known here.
Want support before, during and/or after your ‘next’ birth? Connect with ‘She’ and Birth {Emergence} Want to reconnect with the Alchemy of Food for BIG and ‘Lil Kids?Connect with Suzanne…
Want to align, create and actualize your vision?…Moving through a Transition ? ‘She’ serves with these 5 principles: 3 systems of exchange: sliding, barter & gift, prepares a clear sanctuary for…
Shining a LIGHT on those in Service {share with ‘she’ ones that you love}: |Casa De Paz | Global Tea Hut {The Center…Life Meets Life}…connect to the community | Tree Life…
Last week, the New Moon of Aquarius (Water) arrived. I am taught by my native brother and teacher…this is the Purifying Moon (Powamuya, the Moon of Purification). Leading up to…