Each month there is a different rhythm that leads us into each lunar+solar cycle. These shifts can be supported by nourishing the mind, body, heart and soul. We are offering a monthly balance package for teens and adults.You can order this Sol+Luna Support on a monthly basis or once to try it out. Each Sol+Luna Cycle we will have a limited edition available with a small batch of goodies to send you.
What is included:
Monthly Inspiration + Guidance Art Card
(4) Seasonal Recipes by ‘She’
(1) New Moon + (1) Full Moon + (1) Solar Practice
(1) Lunar Cycle Class 8 Limbs of Yoga Pass (3 per week)
(1) Custom Blended Support Goodies:
(Rotates from Spices, Tea, Power Treats or Seasonal Bliss Oil each month).
(1) Sol+Luna Prayer and Earth Offering
All Blended to support the Season that you are in.
Orders will be sent out with the 1 Week (3 days if Local) Prior to the next New Moon. If ordered after upon your request we can send it late or at the next New Moon.

Payment Options
Adult Package $42.00 per Sol+Luna Cycle-Pick Up (Click Here to Subscribe)
Adult Package $52.00 per Sol+Luna Cycle-Shipped to you (Click Here to Subscribe)
Student Package $34.00 per Sol+Luna Cycle-Picked UP (Click Here to Subscribe)
Student Package $44.00 per Sol+Luna Cycle-Shipped to you (Click Here to Subscribe)
Via Venmo send to @suzanne-toro (Plus Shipping)
OR send a check to OmToro 375 Redondo Avenue, #125 Long Beach, CA 90814
Include with Payment and via email to S@SuzanneToro.com:
Qty, Package Types, E-Mail and Mailing address.
Adult Package $52.00 per Sol+Luna Cycle-Shipped to you (One Time Order)
Student Package $44.00 per Sol+Luna Cycle-Shipped to you (One Time Order)
Currently, only available in the USA. Soon to be offered Internationally. After first shipment, we will send a confirmation email to continue your subscription.
If you want to test out the program for (1) month, send Suzanne an email to S@SuzanneToro.com Subject of e-mail SOL + Luna Package.