
  • As Aired on…Oneness Talk Radio Tom Ardavany and Suzanne Toro continue the “SolVibes” conversation with “The Possible”. This is the first of a series of conversations where we connect you with “the possible”…

  • When you are lead by something beyond you (what I call the “unseen”) you are being asked to connect deeper to your highest state of being (aka soul). Ideally, we would remain at our highest state of being at all times. However, you can cease the moments as they self arise with presence. Until we transcend all aspects of “self”, these moments can be kept in our memory banks to assist us in returning back to our highest expression. If inspired, to “BE” the clear and consistent expression of inner LIGHT (buddha nature), daily sit in meditative repose, listen deeply to your heart + soul, bridge the guidance from your spiritual teachers and the unseen.

  • BeSimply…Be {Sound&Silence}

    by admin

    Be. Presence. Meditation. Join ‘She’ for a 15 minute Visualization with Sound and Silence…BE

    During this segment: Guided meditation to connect you to the your ‘Breath, your CENTER’, inner peace and your breath. In addition, connectto your Peace, Voice and Heart!

  • Join ‘She’ for a 15 minute Guided Meditation. Sound and Silence Meditation…Sill Here!   Welcoming in the silence! … Sound, Breath Practice and Silence! Re-Connecting to your Peace, Voice and Heart! Listen…

  • BeSimply…GivingTree {heart}

    by admin

    During this segment: ‘She’ will feed your heart with inspiration, contemplation, humility and unbridled JOY! The power of perspective, hand to hand giving and more…

  • BeSimply…Bridge

    by admin

    Dedicated to the ones I love…. Dedicated to those who want to feel the bliss of our silence and benefits of meditation. Dedicated to those who are so busy they…

  • beSimply

    by admin

    besimply is a local to global broadcast with the intent to educate and connect our society and ourselves back to our soil, culture and community. The broadcasts offer inspiration, educate…