
  • Join ‘She’ for a segment explore living with discernment and equanimity of the heart. Remembering the causes of happiness. Simple practices of clear min and heart. She will share a parable,…

  • Unlocking One’s Psyche with a Question & Accessing the Collective Mind

    By planting a seed (aka asking a question) before going to sleep, one can begin to see the true nature of a situation as it is related to the subconscious mind. The potential purpose of this is to gain clarity; however, discernment is required with how one decides to inquire within the collective mind.

  • During this segment:…Discover SelfLove..Exploring how to release the fear of abandonment and uncover self empowerment, interdependence and the gift of change. Cultivate a deeper level of intimacy with self, life, relationships, passions and more.

  • BeSimply…Done{Finished}

    by admin

     With Love and Gratitude ‘She’ Connect with Upcoming Meditations, Retreats and Workshops! Personal Retreats and Vision Quests! Connect with ‘She’ She is here to serve, inspire & shine a light…

  • Join ‘She’ and SriMati as they explore creativity, music, listening to your highest purpose. Discover how to find your way there and practice discernment.