Monthly Archives

April 2018

  • When you are lead by something beyond you (what I call the “unseen”) you are being asked to connect deeper to your highest state of being (aka soul). Ideally, we would remain at our highest state of being at all times. However, you can cease the moments as they self arise with presence. Until we transcend all aspects of “self”, these moments can be kept in our memory banks to assist us in returning back to our highest expression. If inspired, to “BE” the clear and consistent expression of inner LIGHT (buddha nature), daily sit in meditative repose, listen deeply to your heart + soul, bridge the guidance from your spiritual teachers and the unseen.

  • During spring, we have the opportunity to work with the creative energy and harness it with objective reality to feed harmony into all aspects of our life. Everything we create starts in our mind. Then, our thoughts become our words and the combination of our thoughts and words lead us into action. By bringing presence to our mind and welcoming “the mind” to remain clear, we prepare ourselves to be objective in all aspects of our life. Objectivity is the key ingredient that creates harmony and the mastery within our lives. Mother Nature and the Universe are constructed with the most complex and finite algorithmic communications (aka equations).

  • Communication. Find your voice. Take responsibility for your emtions. Release old patterns of communication. Remember how to align speech with the world you want to live in. Music by Redemption…

  • Spring Season. We will explore spring time and check into how to listen to your body and identify if your liver energy is moving in harmony to support your daily life. Learn how what foods are cleansing and nourishing to your system. Find harmony with food.

  • During this segment…’She’ will discuss how to trust. Finding the balance between the yin and yang energy within self and moving with it to support your journey. Tools to assist…

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