
  • .’She’ will discuss “death + birth”. Discover how to make peace with death and birth…the cycle of life. She will share how to reduce fear, anxiety and practice for death. She will share the importance of retaining a clear mind and heart when involved in your or anyone’s death/birth.

  • BeSimply…CycleLife {Birth}

    by admin

    ‘She’ will explore with parents to be to discover how to have a deeper connection with your baby during pregnancy.

  • Birth Life Next ‘She’ will discuss for parents to be to discover what type of birth is right for them. ‘She’ will share how different cultures treat birth presently and…

  • Want to align, create and actualize your vision?…Moving through a Transition ? Want to reconnect with the Alchemy of Food for BIG and ‘Lil Kids? Connect with Suzanne one-on-one…visit Connect… BeSimply…