Winter (in the Northern Hemisphere) is still flowing. We entering the Full Moon encouraging you to prepare for Spring. This Full Moon meditation is welcoming you to listen for you. Move beyond the collective musings on what this moment means for ‘ALL’. As inspired, listen for you. This meditation is an opportunity to connect to inner peace and work with the subconscious and conscious mind to assist in letting go, transformation, new fre
guided meditation
Practice Presence. A regular, meditation practice will assist you in cultivating inner peace and presence. One of the side effects of meditation is presence in everyday life. By taking time daily to meet yourself in silence, you will find stillness and the ‘be’ help you throughout your day. In addition, you will discover the roller coaster of thoughts and emotions will start to diminish. When you free up your mind and heart, you will have more space to engage with what is unfolding around. You have less distractions and quickly discern what is available to support your everyday life. Finally, you will creating an inner calm that will help you reduce stress and anxiety on a daily basis.
A Guided Meditation to connect you to the your ‘Breath, your CENTER’, inner peace and So Hum. Sound, Breath and Silence! Invoke the mantra of SoHum. A mantra meditation practice is a useful tool to assist you in quieting the mind, body, heart and soul. The repetition of the mantra will create the space need to dip into your inner quiet. The benefit of access your stillness is that you create the space to replenish and rejuvenate your mind, body and heart.