Dive into a conversation between Suzanne Toro and John Lamb Lash as they have candid discourse about the gender RIF…The Nav will update ‘US’ on where we are within Sophia’s…
Dive into a conversation between Suzanne Toro and John Lamb Lash as they have candid discourse and walk down memory lane with the feminine. As we explore honor, dispassion, anger, and…
Dive into a conversation between Suzanne Toro and John Lamb Lash as they have candid discourse about the remembrance within Sophia’s Correction. Will humanity wake up from the amnesia? Will…
Dive into a conversation between Suzanne Toro and John Lamb Lash as they have candid discourse about Tibet and the Wrathful Green Tara… revealing truths about her primordial nature…releasing the…
“Here in a nine-part synopsis is one version of the sacred myth of Sophia, the “fallen goddess” of the Pagan Mysteries. The fallen goddess scenario (FGS) is not the invention…