
  • When you are lead by something beyond you (what I call the “unseen”) you are being asked to connect deeper to your highest state of being (aka soul). Ideally, we would remain at our highest state of being at all times. However, you can cease the moments as they self arise with presence. Until we transcend all aspects of “self”, these moments can be kept in our memory banks to assist us in returning back to our highest expression. If inspired, to “BE” the clear and consistent expression of inner LIGHT (buddha nature), daily sit in meditative repose, listen deeply to your heart + soul, bridge the guidance from your spiritual teachers and the unseen.

  • Dreaming is the extension of your mind. You can free the mind and find liberation by reflecting on your dreams. Initially, you will want to examine your dreams. You might be looking for a deeper understanding of what is unfolding in your life. You will want to acknowledge where you have any sort of imbalance in the mind, body, heart and/or spirit. The dreams (the mind) will assist by bringing your attention towards the disharmony. Objective interpretation of your dreams is very important because your attachment to a view, pattern and way of being will be reinforced in the dream. The mind will keep you locked into a cycle that perpetuates the affliction that is impeding the natural state of being, harmony. This pattern becomes the obstacle that needs to be understood and liberated to clear the mind and free part of you on a soul level. The dreams provide you a starting point to work on your psyche during the sleeping state.