
  • Every lunar cycle the “moon” reflects light and shadow. We have reached the NEW moon in a month currently identified as January, in the 12th Lunar Cycle (in coordination with Tibetan tradition). The NEW Moon and the season of WINTER invites you into to be still with what is rising up and sifting out of your entire being. Imagine the fresh snow providing you with a blank canvas to start fresh in the first of the upcoming spring season.

  • “Although the same objects may be perceived by different minds, they are perceived in different ways, because those minds manifested differently.” Patanjali During this conversation, we will dive into…

  • Every lunar cycle the “moon” reflects light and shadow. We have reached the FULL moon in a month currently identified as August middle of the 6th Lunar Cycle. A time the the Full Moon shines bright and invites you into your inner landscape and outer landscape simultaneously. Nature all around you welcomes you to retain harmony, transform, listen and GO. We are slowly coming to the end of the elemental dance with the yin (water) and yang (fire) energies on planet earth. The dance between these two elements continues to invite us to master within and without. I invite all my brothers and sisters to take a soft gentle sit with the divine melody that flows from your soul.

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