yeshe music

  • Anger. Kindness. Forgiveness.
    ‘She’ will discuss connecting to Anger. Finding the balance with being in the world and being of service to it. Learn how to express anger. Learn how to responded to to anger internally and externally. Learn how to manage it within self and from others?

  • ‘She’ will assist the listeners to a deeper understanding how to live an empowered life. Immerse self into Interdependence.  Self Reliance. Understand co-dependence. Explore and Align with ‘Self’, Gaia, and…

  • Join ‘She’ for a 15 minute Guided Meditation. Sound and Silence Meditation…Cultivating Trust! Welcoming in the silence! … Sound, Breath Practice and Silence! Re-Connecting to your Peace, Voice and Heart! Listen to…

  • SHADOW remember how to embrace it and be with it?
    Exploring what it is there for and why…
    We will explore how to release the thoughts, emotions and events in your life that hold you back or cause you suffering.
    Parables shared…Walk through a guided clearing experience and meditation. This episode will assist you in BEing…and authentic YOU!

  • BeSimply…GivingTree {Heart}

    by admin

    Sharing on of her favorite books by Shel Siverstein…Giving Tree. Then, gently filling your cup up with some inspiring examples of people making change, being in service and giving daily. These innovative approaches coupled with an open heart…might inspire you to cultivate more giving and receiving in your life.

  • Shining a LIGHT on those in Service {share with ‘she’ ones that you love}: |Casa De Paz | Global Tea Hut {The Center…Life Meets Life}…connect to the community | Tree Life…