spring cleanse

  • Currently, we have transitioned from Yin to Yang energy in the Northern Hemisphere and Yang to Yin in the Southern Hemisphere on planet earth, within all aspects of our being…

  • Healthy Eating Habits. Spring Cooking. Learn how to listen to your body. Deepen your connection to yourself. The Alchemy of Food and Culture of Cooking and Dining. Engage with simple ways to interact with food, develop a new relationship with how and what you eat. Establishing Healthy Food Habits.

  • Food Alchemy…Listening to YOU! Connecting deeper to food, others and our world system. During this segment, we will explore spring time and check into how to listen to your body and identify how to bring balance to your life by deepen your connection to self. Spring cooking…effortless!

  • Kitchari Cleanse, Tea and Juice Cleanse
    The Kitchari cleanse is a very mild version of the traditional “Pancha Karma” cleanse and can be safely performed at home with minimal guidance. This particular cleanse is suitable for all body types as it can be modified to fit everybody’s individual needs. This cleanse consists of taking in a mono-diet of the classical Ayurvedic dish, Kitchari, which will allow the digestive system to take a much-needed break, giving it new light and the ability to properly flush out toxins in the system. In addition, there will be tea and juice included in this cleanse.