Late SUMmer arrives with this NEW Moon. A moment to find a most certain calm and lay to rest any and all ‘worry’. It is that sweet spot when our collective energy is held in the YIN across the earth plane.
Lunar Meditations. An invitation to GROUND. Rebuild Trust. Deepen your inner knowing. Exploring new ways to find sacred devotion to your great work. This new moon transmission includes a story to help you remember of the deeper origins of our ancestor’s footprints.
This Meditation, Sound Healing and Dharma Talk. Week: Grounding in the beauty of the mother. Embracing your capacity to help each other grow. As we align and remember we are in a regenerative field of energy. (AKA Earth)
Date Palm Friend. While those who live in California (especially the southern coastal areas and desert regions) have more than likely walked across the fallen orange balls, at this time of year. While, some might consider them messy, I consider them a reminder of how abundant nature is.
Pure Happiness. Are you ready to engage with pure happiness? It is quite simple and it is always present within you. The pure happiness is what you might be familiar…
This week we anchor into “Sacred Path” with the opportunity to surrender and meet your uniqueness. May all beings have great courage to CHANGE and let go gracefully.