Heart Food
Receiving + Giving. Yin Matters.
Late SUMmer arrives with this NEW Moon. A moment to find a most certain calmand lay to rest any and all ‘worry’. It is that sweet spot when our collective energy is held in the YIN across the earth plane. In the Southern Hemisphere, our brothers and sisters remain in the YIN (feminine energy). The ‘waters’ are preparing for their first thaw before those abiding on the South Side step back into the masculine energy (yang). Here in the Northern Hemisphere, we are gently transitioning into the earth energy with this incoming lunar cycle. Therefore, placing the entire world system in the feminine energy, mother energy. This happens twice a year, once in each hemisphere.
You might ask, ‘What does this mean?’
It means, you are offered the opportunity to PAUSE, Ground and Evaluate what can be subtracted from your inner landscape (the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual bodies). The key is to look for those aspects within yourself that generates ‘worry and/or self doubt’. This is what stops your Qi, vital energy, from flowing fluidly through your entire system. This impacts your ability to receive. . . create and give. If you are pushing, pulling, resisting and/or attaching your conditions onto the power of creation, your vitality will quickly diminish from the inside out.
We are so blessed to live in a world system that is regenerative. Being you are part of this magnificent ecosystem, you also regenerate. It is within your subtle energetic bodies that you can reflect on where you have blocked your system and/or bypassed your dynamic-fluid nature.
You might ask, ‘How or where do I start?’
I welcome you to take these simple steps:
PAUSE in nature, find a spot to rest your bum on the earth with your back resting on the tree trunk. (if you are not able to go outside, just do this in your home and imagine your self in nature.)
Sit and BE. Stay in this position for as long as you have space and attention. You will naturally know when to start to listen.
Evaluate. The listening is beyond words and it will come through as a knowing. A sense.
SUBtract. From here you will start to become aware of what you are ready to subtract.
-This could mean removing thoughts that reinforce worrying by practicing daily meditation.
-This could mean removing habits that you do when you begin to worry that actually diminish your life force. (i.e. substances that you feed yourself to pacify the worry).
-This could mean removing the emotional habit of allowing your worry to get other emotions worked up (ie your worry feeds your anxiety. . .your anxiety feeds your anger/self doubt(fear) and so on).
The key is to see what is ready to be removed. Then, allow that awareness help you create the space and/or find a new habit to help you move from worry to CALM.
Calm is your true nature and the nature of the earth mother. It is best to pick one thing to subtract and keep it simple. You will have more success when you do one thing at a time. Since, our entire world system is interdependent. Which means, when you make a change in one area to create balance other aspects of your inner landscape will begin to balance too. The most exciting part of this process is you are being supported by the earth mother, who is welcoming you back in the cradle of her heart to remind you of the power you have to receive…create and give. Furthermore, ‘she’ is offering you this brief seasonal moment to receive. As inspire, open your heart and receive just like you did when you were in your mother’s womb and in her arms after you arrived.

Mind + Body + Heart + Soul Food
Remembering Free Will. DeProgramming YOU.
The Native Solitary Bees are the best pollinators. Pollination is needed to keep the flowers and crops growing. As noted from this article on Native Bees, The Best Pollinators for you Garden, Christopher Burnett, points towards the HEROS of our garden in this excerpt.
Solitary Bees: The Heroes of Pollination
“Most of us grew up learning about the sophisticated social structures of honey bees and bumblebees, and we’ve come to think that their lifestyle represents all bee behavior. In reality, the world is home to more than 20,000 species of bees and a whopping 90% of them do not live together in hives.
Instead, most of the world’s bees are solitary, meaning they live alone. Unlike social bees, each female solitary bee has to gather pollen and nectar, build nests, and lay eggs all on her own, without the help of hundreds or thousands of doting workers. Although honey bees tend to get all the credit for keeping our crops going, native solitary bees are almost two to three times more effective at pollinating!” Christopher Burnett
I share this as a metaphor and to illustrate how you might have thought that all bees were honey bees and/or all bees lived in a hive. In addition, you might have thought all honey bees represent the majority within the bee species. Yet, when you start to investigate you discover that is not the case. Which gives me two interesting things to ponder the proportion of collaboration and solo production (aka creation) within the bee queendom is 10/90. Next, is to acknowledge how easy it is to place an importance one part of a system without fully looking at the whole.
These misconceptions and misleading ideas come from what we choose, as a society, to program into each other and individuals choose to reinforce. If you reflect back over your life you might notice when you have in the past and present bought into the “sound bites” (aka mental/emotional programming). Often, the reason for this is because it was all that was shared from the main stage (aka the honey bee hive) and/or you did not take the time to learn more.
During the late summer, you are being given the opportunity to rebuild some inner and outer trust. Which means you might be required to investigate, be radically honest with yourself and digest new bodies of information. When, I begin to contemplate the bees and flip the ratio to 90% solo creators /10% collaborative creators, I PAUSE. I feel there is something powerful being suggested in the proportion that exists in nature. You might begin to reflect on your uniqueness and how much time you need together and apart with your fellow HUMANS. Many of our tribal nations have showed us this way of life based on the agricultural cycles. Which leads me to encourage you to notice in and around you in this present moment, where you have been programmed and where you are expressing your free will (aka uniqueness). Like these solitary bees, I feel they show us how to continue make the gardens grow in ways we have yet to remember.