“The Great Secret
God was full of Wine last night,
So full of wine
That He let a great secret slip.
He said:
There is no man on earth
Who needs a pardon from Me –
For there is really no such thing,
No such thing
As Sin!
That Beloved has gone completely Wild-He has poured Himself into me!
I am Blissful and Drunk and Overflowing.
Dear world,
Draw life from my Sweet Body,
Dear wayfaring souls,
Come drink your fill of liquid rubies,
For God has made my heart
An Eternal Fountain!”
This week: We are building upon the grand remembering and clearing. You are being offered the opportunity to accept what is. Then, release, transform and build. New moments will offer you an opportunity to rise into the new beginning, reconcile and remember aspects of your eternal being that are ready to assist you in this moment on the earth plane.
As inspired, listen deeply, reconcile, and release. Align yourself with your inner fire and water.
Weekly talks are an offering to assist you in diving deeper into a spiritual practice, your inner landscape and cultivate inner peace.
Time Stamps: Dharma 0 Meditation :24:00 Sound :50:30. Outro 1:26.25
‘River’ by Cadre Scott
Purchase River Single Here
Random Rab
Random Rab Interview:
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Dante Marino
Sound Suzanne Toro
“The heart is a The thousand-stringed instrument that can only be tuned with Love.” ~ Hafez

Dreaming Attention. For those who work with me one on one, become use to me sharing my dreaming attention with them. This is in relation to what I observe from my dreaming practices and their subconscious mind. It is a skill that has been with me upon entry into this life and I continue to refine it daily. I share this because as I work with my clients and students, I encourage them and guide them to access their subconscious mind and learn how to become the observer of their consciousness. This is a very important skill to harness in all states of being. It is the most important skill to master before death (aka the transition into your next birth). The reason for this is so you can have awareness without being pulled into an aspect of your mind that could manifest in ways that might not serve your eternal path. Many have blind faith in death and something they have not taken the time to train for. This is a major focus in eastern practices because the practices understand how the mind works. The practices scientifically affirm how easily one can be mislead because one has an innate bias or belief. Similar to how technology works today. It is very easy to move consciousness based on one’s inability to observe without emoting and/or reacting to what is being presented to them on a screen. Now, imagine how that would be with just your mind as a reference point.
For the Summer and Winter months, you have the opportunity to deepen your dreaming practice by being awake in the dream. Then, once you’re awake, start practicing being the observer without being drawn in by familiarity, emotions, desire, beliefs and attachments. Let me know how it goes and/or if you have questions. I will build on this practice during these Summer and Winter months.

Excerpt From Bare Naked Bliss…Loving From Within
Chapter 7- Laughing From Within
With the advent of the information age, we are increasingly bombarded with twenty-four hour access to knowledge and communication. As a result many of us might have forgotten how to feel pleasure in our basic existence. Society has become attached to the notion that the way to pure merriment is generated by giving or receiving something material, which has resulted in us placing a lot of importance on stuff and not on the connection between two people–the transfer of energy. True joyful energy is not derived from the receipt of tangible objects but on the exchange of energy that cultivates emotions, energy and feelings. You can even have this exchange with yourself by being kind to yourself and pursuing your passions and lightening up! Smile! Laugh! By utilizing the emotion of happiness and the emotional response of laughter you are energetically giving back to yourself. The ability to laugh has been yours since birth.
Just after my daughter was born she was sleeping in her cradle next to my bed. She was sound asleep and she started to laugh a deep belly laugh. I looked over the edge to see if she was awake. I was a little startled at first. This is not typical for most newborns to start to laugh so soon after birth. She was only a few hours old but she innately knew how to laugh. Of course we all have laughed, but stop and think for a moment, ask yourself, when was the last time that you really laughed a deep belly laugh? Do you remember it? If it is a blurred memory, ask yourself why are you not laughing everyday? The pleasure that is transferred during laughter leaves a residue of bliss on your soul, those around you and your environment. If the flow of laughter in your life has stopped, it is important that you consciously bring it back into your life. In times of illness or suffering this is the one alternative to painkillers; laughter naturally releases endorphins in your body and leaves a sense of well-being. Further, the results of laughing are an increase in natural killer cells and antibodies and t-cells. Both cells are types of defense cells that attack foreign material in our bodies. Finally, laughter reduces stress and builds up muscles. Why go to the gym when you can get a good abdominal workout with laughter?

While we move into the full energy of the yin and yang on the earth plane, there is an abundant support from water. Have you ever sat for a moment and reflected on how much water plays an important role in your physical body, the earth body and the cosmic body. Water (aka feminine energy) is everywhere. However, the feminine has been actively oppressed, discarded and limited in many different ways. Even though, she is responsible for regenerating organic life in many forms. I find it quite interesting to sit and be with the feminine. We are primarily water (aka feminine); yet, the majority of humanity does not even understand the element of water. In addition, society continues to want to confine her to patriarchal ideology and submission. It is a divine comedy, that often masks itself as an envious overlord not remembering it is made up of the water too. Grasping for what he or she has not remember rests within.
I point this out is because we at the seasonal tipping point into water (aka the feminine) and fire (aka the masculine). Reminding you that water is our best ally during these two equally important seasons, Summer and Winter. Especially, as it relates to the physical body. Both these seasons invite us to play on and in water. We are welcomed by the cosmic body of water to create in these dynamic conditions that provide the perfect tension between motion and stillness. In addition, the soaking and plunging are natural bi-products from the snow melt off and the abundance of frozen water making warm waters equally inviting. During these natural opportunities to experience water in motion as an activity and/or a quiet reflective respite, ‘she’ is always there for you. Just like she was when you were in your mother’s womb. You were nestled in a warm watery sauna. Divinely afforded a potentially disorienting sacred space; before the waters gave way and you flowed into this bright and vast world. If you are inspired, to deepen your relationship with the feminine, create space to commune with your internal and external element of water. Reflect and marvel at how many auspicious miracles rise up from a single drop of water. You might call this element a creator and a miracle maker that exists in and around you. ‘She’ might even be called a word that you have come to shout out as the almighty. Ultimately, it is a unique and unexplainable dance between the vast and abundant creation energy of water and the potent ignition of an electromagnetic charge (aka masculine, fire) that breathes the spark into creation. Both receiving and giving in ways that cannot be described in written words. Furthermore, if you pause long enough and observe all around you, you might just cry tears of joy and/or loose your breath at the sweet glory resting between these two elements.
All of this wonderment, is in and around you. You are an expression of the dance and the physical embodiment of water (feminine) and fire (masculine). As the tides continue to shift and change, may you find some divine waters to be in, on and/or around with the sun filling you up and welcoming you to deeper understanding of ‘thy’ self.
The Way of the HEART
We will explore ‘love’ and it the powerful gifts it holds in the heart center. These tools of breathwork, guided imagery, and wisdom will assist in clearing the heart and the mind. Ultimately cultivating compassion, joy, peace, harmony and balance to assist us in loving ourself from within. We reflect on nature and how it supports our life force and our collective heart energy.