
  • Join Suzanne Toro and Christopher David as they explore the value of honesty, motivation, and perseverance in all aspects of life. Christopher shares his story in how he has found the power in self-healing, letting go of his old state of being and being a male survivor.

  • This week we dive in to one of the necessary foundational pillars to a spiritual and faith based practice…’awareness’. By cultivating a disciplined practice and relationship with awareness in all…

  • Focus: Love or Fear. We are at a “Fork in the Road”. We will explore how to choose love or fear. We will examine ourselves. Evaluate ‘What is’. Then, we will determine how to do so and what the outcome shall be.

  • We have the freedom and power to make choices. The power rests in your inner state of being, self awareness and the infinite possibilities at our fingertips in every moment.

    Dive into this segment and explore the opportunity to discover where you exercise your power to choose and where you can improve showing up honestly and in alignment with you.

  • Winter is a time to balance the energy of water, release fear, find courage and practice living in freedom. The simply opportunity to ADAPT in every moment. By adapting within…

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