Join Suzanne Toro and Christopher David as they explore the value of honesty, motivation, and perseverance in all aspects of life. In addition, Christopher shares how he has found the power in self-healing, letting go of his old state of being and stepping into his highest expression. Christopher advocates for other men to heal their trauma and reclaim their right to raise their children from a place of equality and well being.
Christopher’s book, It was Never About Me, will be available on AMAZON.
Christopher is “Leading by Example”
Connect with Christopher
IG @TeamDavid72
TikTok @SeeMeNow72
“Today, I own my own business, Christopher Allen David, LLC, dba TeamDavid72. My website is TeamDavid72. I am a self-published author. I am working on building my own clothing line, featuring positive slogans, that have been helpful and meaningful to me. I offer virtual, and one-one-one services related to all aspects of mental and physical health & wellbeing. I am a painter, artist, actor, model, and martial artist. I am a certified health, wellness and personal trainer, and a motivational speaker, who is passionate about helping others to achieve happiness, and good physical and mental health, through the power of positivity and self-care. I am committed to lead by example, so that I can inspire others. I am not perfect, but I am a constant and evolving work in progress, and I am proud of my growth. However, I know there are others out there that can relate to my experiences, and that will be inspired by my truth. I hope to restore the same hope and faith in others. Most importantly, I am a devoted father of 2 boys, Izaiah, and Avery, and they are the reason I live and breathe. I have an amazing relationship with them. They are my driving force, and my motivation to be a positive role-model, and the father that I always yearned for. It would be an honor, and it is my legacy to be their hero, and to know that they are proud to call me their dad.”
Christopher David (continue reading here)