
  • Join Robert Mulhall, CEO of Kirpalu Center for Yoga and Health, and Suzanne Toro as he shares his wisdom and techniques to heal, trust and move forward. In addition, he shares the power of nature and how to access its wisdom. He asks us a very important question for self inquiry and as a solution to rebalance our relationship with each other.

  • Focus: Love or Fear. We are at a “Fork in the Road”. We will explore how to choose love or fear. We will examine ourselves. Evaluate ‘What is’. Then, we will determine how to do so and what the outcome shall be.

  • A simple way to shift your state of being is to be in service. When you redirect your attention to kind actions without expectations for something in return, your entire state of being will shift. That which is occupying your heart, mind, body and soul will suddenly be ‘UP’ lifted. Everyday
    As inspired, take a few moments today to give a random, anonymous act of kindness.

  • Offers an invitation to be still and explore the depths of our inner being. The shorter days and ultimately the darkness offer us an opportunity to harness all of our energy and observe and examine the depths of our inner being. During winter, we can replenish self, by simply mirroring nature’s way.

  • Last Summer, ‘She’ became inspired by Tom Widdison at Drum for Love…as he facilitated PLAY, Acrobatics, and Yoga via the Slack line. The joy that it brought all of “US”…inspired…

  • BeSimply…LoveSelf {Integrity}

    by admin

    During this segment: Integrity…Connecting to your integrity. If we do not feel aligned with our actions, we will experience depression, anxiety, doubt and fear. Our inner self has a code…