Join ‘She’ and Anata Ripa Ajmera as they explore her new book, The Ayurveda Way. Anata will share how she regained personal well being, reduced stress/anxiety and changed her relationship with her mind, body and spirit.
follow the sun
This segment we will explore…the SUN, the element of fire. Discover and explore with ‘she’ the gifts of finding, attuning and expressing your inner fire. ‘She’ will share some simple ways to reclaim your power, discover the masculine energy within you and its relationship with your inner (agni) life force. You will move into the ‘next’ with more certainty.
SHADOW remember how to embrace it and be with it?
Exploring what it is there for and why…
We will explore how to release the thoughts, emotions and events in your life that hold you back or cause you suffering.
Parables shared…Walk through a guided clearing experience and meditation. This episode will assist you in BEing…and authentic YOU! -