Here II Here

  • Food Alchemy…Listening to YOU! Connecting deeper to food, others and our world system. During this segment, we will explore spring time and check into how to listen to your body and identify how to bring balance to your life by deepen your connection to self. Spring cooking…effortless!

  • During this segment: Explore and Align with ‘Self’, How to reconnect to Self? We will explore the releasing of anxiety. How to live from as stress free center. Parables shared…Walk through…

  • In an era when the phrase has been coined…”WE are ONE!” While, if we break our collective selves down to ONE molecule this might be true; however, ‘she’ has a…

  • Part I During this segment: Explore and Align with ‘Self’, How to reconnect to Self? We will discuss how to clear the mind and heart. We are in a large…

  • Join ‘She’ for 54 minutes to work on the inner self. During this segment: Explore and Align with ‘Self’, How to reconnect to Self? We will discuss how to clear…

  • ‘She’ crossed Ash’s path a little over a year ago with the family from Here II Here. ‘She’s first question to Ash was where are you from. His ability to…