Join Christianna Geralyn Burkee and Suzanne Toro as we explore her candor, wit, creative expression and love encouragement. She loves to make people laugh, keep it real and inspire others…
During the Spring, Wood energy is literally and figuratively rising. The emotion behind the season is ANGER. Which can be caused by stagnation and unexpressed emotions that lead us to ANGER. One of the best remedies to for anger is KINDNESS. Any act of kindness cultivates JOY. As inspired, practice kindness and cultivate some JOY! Explore and Align with ‘Self’, How to reconnect to Self? ‘She’ will share how to cultivate JOY. Parables shared…Walk through a guided…
Spoken Word’ on Indie Creators in the JoyZone with Tom Ardavany and Suzanne Toro as the dive into a conversation with Sean Hill about being an Indie Creator, Wordsmith and Social & Environmental Activists. They will share the joy, drive, inspiration and creativity they have for making inspiring others. This Indie Creators are going to share the love and the challenges they experience within his craft.
We will explore ‘love’ and it the powerful gifts it holds in the heart center. These tools of breathwork, guided imagery, and wisdom will assist in clearing the heart and the mind. Ultimately, cultivating compassion, joy, peace, harmony and balance to assist us in loving ourselves from within. We reflect on nature and how it supports our life force and our collective heart energy.
Join Thomas Ardavany & Suzanne Toro on JoyScore Live. We have special guests Christine Mullholland and Malcom McAllister. We will showcase Generation Awakening and Malcom McAllister, Golden Glove winner. In this segment of Generation Awakening…Going for the Gold we will explore what is possible when we do right by others and self. First, Christine will share her passion for raising awareness about the endangered species, animals and the environment. She will reveal how her compassionate heart has been the driving force for her life’s work and way of being in the world. Next, Malcom McAllister will share his great inner fight with himself, his love for boxing and the opportunity to server others. He humble reveals the simple practice of being at peace.
Do you want to bring joy into your LIFE? Do you want to discover happiness?
Simply, take an hour and treat your self to this segment that will teach you how to create joy. She will share how authentic happiness resides within you. It is not about grasping onto something external or filling self up with sense pleasures. It is about cultivating a deeper relationship with your natural state of being harmony.