
  • Focus: Love or Fear. We are at a “Fork in the Road”. We will explore how to choose love or fear. We will examine ourselves. Evaluate ‘What is’. Then, we will determine how to do so and what the outcome shall be.

  • Connecting with your Stillness. Embracing the power of Self Love and Forgiveness. The Breath…Freedom. Let Go, Forgive, & Love. A guided meditation/imagery reconnect to our inner love, the power of…

  • We will explore ‘love’ and it the powerful gifts it holds in  the heart center. These tools of breathwork, guided imagery, and wisdom will assist in clearing the heart and the mind. Ultimately, cultivating compassion, joy, peace, harmony and balance to assist us in loving ourselves from within. We reflect on nature and how it supports our life force and our collective heart energy.

  • An in-depth interview with Saul David Raye. They dive into the heart of yoga, celebrate Saul’s new album, 10,000 Suns…Music for Healing, Peace & Awakening. In addition, Saul shares his wisdom as one of the wisdom keepers of Yoga in the West and East. He shares how the fullness of life leads us to the sacredness in all that is and we have the opportunity to dance with this energy in life. Finally, if you want to explore these concepts further simply press play above or below. 

  • Join Thomas Ardavany & Suzanne Toro on JoyScore Live. We have special guests Christine Mullholland and Malcom McAllister. We will showcase Generation Awakening and Malcom McAllister, Golden Glove winner. In this segment of Generation Awakening…Going for the Gold we will explore what is possible when we do right by others and self. First, Christine will share her passion for raising awareness about the endangered species, animals and the environment. She will reveal how her compassionate heart has been the driving force for her life’s work and way of being in the world. Next, Malcom McAllister will share his great inner fight with himself, his love for boxing and the opportunity to server others. He humble reveals the simple practice of being at peace.