
  • Simply put…If you want to motivate someone to do something that you ‘THINK’ is beneficial to their lifestyle and will benefit the well being of your community and Mother Earth…Practice…

  • The sounds of nature will help you everywhere you engage with the elements around you. If your emotions, mind, body and/or soul, are creating some internal and external turbulence, take…

  • We live in a world where everyone is encouraged to celebrate and create an image that is rooted in the visual image that conveys a story we want to tell.…

  • Inner Work. Go For It. I often share with my clients and those close to me that “I am Absolutely Work in Progress”. I, too, ride the waves of life.…

  • If you have gone through any sort of trauma as a child, teen and/or as an adult, more than likely you have or are suffering from what is called arrested development. From the outside, others might judge you and call you immature; however, if they knew your back story they might realize that you could be stuck in developmental arrest.  Typically, if you are suffering from arrested development, you cannot see or help yourself from staying locked into a certain developmental age.

  • Emotional responses are an indicator to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being how you are feeling about the present moment. In addition, your emotions help you understand what conditions build, sustain and/or deplete your well being.

    When, you feel an emotion rising from within, each one is filled with a positive charge of energy (nourishes your well being), negative charge of energy (depletes your well being) or a neutral (there is no charge). Your feelings indicate what nourishes your well being, where you need to take action, where you need to examine self (which follows with the need to heal/transform), where you need to come back into harmony, where you are holding back, and/or out of balance. Extreme emotional responses are a push from the inner being to come into harmony…these emotions will be expressed through excessive anger, laughter, crying, anxiety, sadness, grief, worry, doubt, righteousness and over compensation with the mask of ‘Pretending to BE HAPPY’.

  • Today, is in auspicious day for me…
    As a young child, I was very aware of the cycle of life. I was cognisant of my relationship to birth and death. At the age of 5, I had a transcendental moment when I said to myself, “I am here again.” (I shared this story in the book I wrote, Bare Naked Bliss). In that moment, I came into awareness within my physical body as it was related to my soul’s journey. I sensed deeply that I had been here and apart of this world, prior to this life. Shortly after this moment, I had a deep awareness and yearning to know the day I was going to die. Not years prior but actually the day of or a few days before. This was inspired after watching a film about Sitting Bull (at the age of 7 or 8) and his contemplation of death prior to entering a battle. His ability to listen every morning at sunrise and approach the battle and death with stillness inspired me. These were deep thoughts for a young child and quite natural for an eternal being who wanted to sharpen her awareness and practices within the present moment (in or out of body).

  • The divine orchestration of the unknown… Life is Sacred….May we all return HUM. The road into Hopiland and the mysteries that unfold there are reminder that beyond the veil of…