The trend of yoga, mindfulness, ritual and spiritual mystique that has become commonplace in health, wellness, business, entertainment, athletics and personal lives globally. In fact, it is a multi-billion dollar industry. In addition, there are billions of photos on the World Wide Web documenting and expressing these practices, teachings, selfies, goods and more. All of which probably support and inspire many in one way or another. Yet, are any of these odes truly a sign of one’s level of consciousness or indicator they ARE or Soon TO BE” enlightened?
I would respond, “NO.” In fact, it is quite the opposite. Most of what is portrayed as sacred or wisdom has an essence of grasping underplayed by the beautiful mask that is offered. The mask contains seeds that will eventually awaken in the pretender and in those who sip it up.

So, how do you step into a more authentic expression of your gifts, passion for the teachings, practices and rituals that have moved your mind, heart, body and soul? And/Or… How do you sift through the inauthentic teachers+offerings to find the authentic teachers/offerings?
If you are committed to your evolution which will include a spiritual journey, then it requires daily practice that is very private and requires discipline. It is a humbling process and there is a stripping away. Which creates and a huge contradiction when there are billions of dollars exchanged for goods that have a spiritual stamp and/or purpose. See none of this is needed to access higher states of being within you. While, some tools serve a purpose most is simply a branded message look at me “I AM A Yogi, I AM Spiritual, I AM Holy.”
Over the past 3 years, I have been in a process of transitioning back into the “dualistic world” after spending “7” years in semi-private retreat. During being in a cave like existence, I had very limited interaction with the world that is all around us. That way of living, was very different and is not always available to everyone. Yet, I learned and awakened a lot of deeper practices and understandings within me. During that time, I only wanted more and more space for my practices and the work I was afforded to do with the traditional elders. When it was time to come out of my cave, I knew it would not be easy and in fact it has been just as humbling as being in the cave.
Currently, the practice is to move beyond dualities and judgement while participating and living in the duality that makes up the very fabric of this world and universe. So, every moment is my teacher and every moment is my opportunity to practice embody the teachings I work with and refine my sacred gifts to serve humanity.
So, AM I enlightened?
“Absolutely NOT. I am in my process and on my infinite path of evolution.”
How do you deepen your state of being?
“Stay focused, soften your gaze and remember what you think you know will evolve and change.”
How do you find the authentic teachers and guides?
“Trust in the process and rather than say that someone is enlightened. Ask for them to “Enlighten You”. Ask them to share their wisdom and see if that resonates and serves you.”
Finally, BE OPEN to the wise ones speaking to you in the most surprising situations. Listen deeply…you might just be mystified at what you are ready to hear.
As inspired, “Enlighten Me” in the comments below or in a private message.
I AM a teacher and Student. I AM WORK in Progress.
Love to All, Peace to All, LIFE to All.

The Moon…Winter.Summer
The Winter Summer Moon. The cyclical transition of Fall to Winter is rapidly approaching. What marks this transition is the Sun and our relationship to the Earth, Sun and Universe. Depending on where you live on the Northern and Southern Hemisphere’s of the planet it will impact you differently. The planet will be experiencing the polarities of the shortest and longest days of the year. Winter and Summer all within the same moment.
I have noticed a lot of posts focusing on the “last” full moon and a new decade. I have received many questions like this,

“What is the excitement about the date 12.12 and the last full moon of a this decade?
I reply, “Rather than get consumed with a timeline superimposed on infinity in the year “1582”, take a moment to pause. Then, listen for the distinct seasonal changes. The energy shifts rising up internally and externally in and around you are worth looking at.” These observations and awarenesses will provide you with much more accurate information that is specific to who you are. Furthermore, the universe and nature expands and spirals out in a configuration that does not even include the number 10 or 12. In fact, they have no significant intersection or point in the creation cycle. This is explained by the Fibonacci Sequence ( 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144…610, 987, 1597) which has conjugal relationship with the Golden Ration (1, 2, 3, 5, 8). (Read MORE Click HERE)

On-Going Food Alchemy Class Mind You + Food: Unlock Your Potential

Monthly Sol+Luna Support & Nourishment
Feel into the moment and learn how to share the emotions you want to build upon. Creating good vibrations with self and the world around you.

Bali Retreat
Take a Sacred Journey with ‘She’ (Aka Suzanne Toro)
An Ayurvedic Retreat and Zen Adventure ~Bali, Indonesia
November 2nd – November 9th ~ 8 Days/ 7 Nights
The Island “Gods” of Bali and Ocean’s Essence have called ‘She’ with the Energy of Shiva+Shakti leading her to offer a Zen Adventure, Vision Quest and Ayurvedic Retreat.
We will Play, Quest and Pray.
She has mindfully planned a journey that will leave you with a deeper understanding of Ayurveda, Zen Practices and Mind-Body-Heart-Soul Well Being. You will have new tools to balance your Dosha, techniques to deepen your practices in Yoga (Meditation, Pranayama, Asana and the entire ‘8’ Limb System). In addition, you will participate in sacred traditional ways that will connect you deeper to your soul, open your mind & heart to the unseen, assist you in embracing your free will, and guide you to rediscover harmony from within. Ultimately, you will BALANCE your Mind, Body, Heart and Soul.
Integrated into this adventure is a 3-day Vision Quest lead by ‘She’ that will be supported by several Sacred Ceremonies, Indigenous Practices and Mother Nature. ‘She’ will guide you; yet, you will discover ‘a vision’ to take home with you and integrate into your life.
This is a unique opportunity to experience life from all directions with the love and support from a compassionate team, traditional elders and a joyful guide…’She’. Come and enjoy this intimate retreat that will transform and regenerate you under the mindful eye of ‘She’ (Suzanne Toro) and the Island of Bali. Especially designed for those who want to deepen their inner wisdom (aka teachers), in healing & recovery from disharmony in the mind-body, in a life transition and/or ready to take a respite.
You will create peace, awaken a vision and unleash JOY.

Connect with Upcoming Meditations, Retreats and Workshops!

ECUaDOR Calling…
Are you ready to listen deeper and meet the guidance needed to meet your life with clarity, focus and ease. Indoor to Outdoor to Indoor Retreats & Quests
As we are entering the ‘Spring Season’ and as we migrate from repose to action, there is always plenty of time to connect with the retracting ‘Yin’ (Feminine) energy and the rising ‘Yang’ (Masculine) energy. By sitting in the silence, reflection, creativity and creating space for forward movement you will have better insight for where and how to direct your energy.

Taking time for a formal retreat (silent and/dharma focused), VisionQuest or DreamingQuest is an opportunity to deepen your spiritual practices, heal, transform and do focused inner work.
The retreat and quests are very private, held in remote locations and take focus. The results stay with you for the rest of this life and maybe into the next. My attention to detail, my guests well being, ancient traditions passed down to me and the support of my elders insures that I provided you with a safe and integral container to do the work in. In addition, my deep reverence for and relationship with Mother Nature create a supportive guide for your journey.
I am super excited to add Ecuador to be the hub for the private to semi-private Retreats, Pilgrimage, Quests & Journeys…from the Andean Mountains to the Sea.
Inquire, if you would like to learn more book your private, semi-private or small group retreat or Quest. Customized to meet the needs of the individual and group.