Hoʻoponopono. May all beings everywhere remember the true causes of happiness…LOVE.
Today, we dive into a dharma we will reflect on the importance of your remembrance, sovereignty and your capacity to love.
This week we explore how the observation, pause into fluid action will serve your internal and external landscape.
As inspired, slow down, look in and be with where your innate wisdom is directing your attention.
Weekly talks are an offering to assist you in diving deeper into a spiritual practice, your inner landscape and cultivate inner peace.
We have the freedom and power to make choices. The power rests in your inner state of being, self awareness and the infinite possibilities at our fingertips in every moment.
Dive into this segment and explore the opportunity to discover where you exercise your power to choose and where you can improve showing up honestly and in alignment with you.
Kailyn Forsberg from TEDx Vail shares the value of honesty, the deeper meaning of life, how to cultivate compassion, tolerance and truthfulness with self and others. In addition, she guides all of us to remember that we are humans anyways. Kailyn encourages us to consider relating to one and another with humanity.