Aloha. Awaken. {Sol. Silence. Sound. New Moon 7}
Hoʻoponopono. May all beings everywhere remember the true causes of happiness…LOVE. Today, we dive into a dharma we will reflect on the importance of your remembrance, sovereignty and your capacity to love.
Entering into a NEW MOON: Every lunar cycle the “moon” reflects light and shadow. We have reached the New Moon in a month currently identified as August in the 7th Lunar Cycle (in coordination with Tibetan tradition).
As our brother’s and sisters in the Southern Hemisphere are completing their passage with the feminine…water. They have deepened their relation with what it means to jump into nature’s metaphorical and/ore literal ice bath their kidneys (fear) assisted them to anchor in deep knowing and fearlessness.
Simultaneously, reorienting their creative energy to be utilized in a new way of creating their great work. In addition, our brother’s and sister’s in the Northern Hemisphere are nourished their heart (small intestines) and opened their heart to JOY. REJOICing.
These efforts will help us with forgiveness and compassion over these coming months. Now we prepare for the transition and opportunity to anchor in the earth’s energy and/or spend a little more time by the fire as fall and spring are soon to emerge. No matter where you are on this earth…it will be necessary to SHIFT, renew and HONOR yourself. Continue to listen, observe and listen to where you can serve. As you all awaken further remember the ALOHA in your heart. As a gentle reminder, SOFTEN your gaze, reclaim your sovereignty and express your free will. Continue to focus and serve with your inner mastery.
The New Moon Moon Arrives(d) Wednesday, August 16 (15), 2023 at 2:38 A.M. PDT
As inspired, slow down, look in and be with where your innate wisdom is directing your attention. LISTEN DEEPLY. Take action mindfully. Weekly talks are an offering to assist you in diving deeper into a spiritual practice, your inner landscape and cultivate inner peace.
“The heart is a The thousand-stringed instrument that can only be tuned with Love.” ~ Hafez
“The moon is most happy when it is full.
And the sun always looks like a perfectly minted gold coin
That was just Polished and placed in flight by God’s playful Kiss.
And so many varieties of fruit hang plump and round from the branches that seem like a Sculptor’s hands.
I see the beautiful curve of a pregnant belly shaped by a soul within,
And the Earth itself, and the planets and the Spheres –
I have gotten the hint: There is something about circles the Beloved likes.
Hafiz, within the Circle of a Perfect One There is an Infinite Community of Light”
Hafiz With permission, translation by Daniel Ladinsky
Sovereign. Reclaim You. {Full Moon. Sol + Luna Cycle 7}
Mid-point of Lunar Cycle. FULL MOON RISING: Every lunar cycle the “moon” reflects light and shadow.
We have reached the mid-point of this lunar cycle in a month currently identified as August in the 7th Lunar Cycle (in coordination with Tibetan tradition). As our brother’s and sisters in the Southern Hemisphere are completing their passage with the feminine…water.
They have deepened their relation with what it means to jump into nature’s metaphorical and/ore literal ice bath their kidneys (fear) assisted them to anchor in deep knowing and fearlessness. Simultaneously, reorienting their creative energy to be utilized in a new way of creating their great work. In addition, our brother’s and sister’s in the Northern Hemisphere are nourished their heart (small intestines) and opened their heart to JOY. REJOICing.
These efforts will help us with forgiveness and compassion over these coming months. Now we prepare for the transition and opportunity to anchor in the earth’s energy and/or spend a little more time by the fire as fall and spring are soon to emerge. Simultaneously we are all being asked to re-establish trusting ourselves and be radically honest with aspects of your inner and out world that cannot be trusted. Right there is where transformation is inviting you to take action. No matter where you are on this earth…it will be necessary to SHIFT, renew and HONOR yourself.
Continue to listen, observe and listen to where you can serve. As inspired, welcome the energy of this FULL moon to purify and juice up that which you are creating. Mindfully direct your attention to that which is beneficial for self and the whole. As a gentle reminder, SOFTEN your gaze, reclaim your sovereignty and express your free will. Continue to focus and serve with your inner mastery.
The Full Moon Moon Arrives(d) Wednesday, August 30 (29), 2023 at 6:36 P.M. PDT As inspired, slow down, look in and be with where your innate wisdom is directing your attention. LISTEN and Observe DEEPLY.