Meditate on Alone. Discover you are not alone. Connect to your Inner Voice, Heart and Journey HUM. An opportunity to let go of your suffering. Join ‘She’ for a 15 minute…
Grief is a the natural way of processing letting go of someone you love. In certain parts of the world we have the Making Peace with Grief. Crossing over…may we all find inner peace in the neart future! One more Lunar Cycle with the season of FALL. Embrace the Let Go.
During this segment: Explore and Align with ‘Self’, How to reconnect to Self? We will explore the releasing of anxiety. How to live from as stress free center. Parables shared…Walk through…
There are plenty of articles on the internet showing the benefits of Bok Choy and Purple Onion. If inspired, research, learn and listen to you. A place to start… Bok…
Jane get me off this CRAZY thing. . .(listen to this letter click here) During this summer, I was given the opportunity and an invitation to move beyond my mental…