
  • An in-depth interview with Saul David Raye. They dive into the heart of yoga, celebrate Saul’s new album, 10,000 Suns…Music for Healing, Peace & Awakening. In addition, Saul shares his wisdom as one of the wisdom keepers of Yoga in the West and East. He shares how the fullness of life leads us to the sacredness in all that is and we have the opportunity to dance with this energy in life. Finally, if you want to explore these concepts further simply press play above or below. 

  • Money & Music {JoyScoreLive}

    by admin

    Greg Wendt and Matt Kalin…We will showcase Money and Music. Greg and Matt will shine a light on wealth, joy, living economies, green practices, & music.

  • Join Alex Woodward and ‘She’ as they dive into Alex’s work, wisdom and encouragement to let go of your dreams. He will share why and what is on the other side of living in alignment with your highest aspect of self. In addition, he will share how trauma, is not the last loss. He will help us understand how trauma will propel you into your authentic selfless creativity.

  • Join ‘She’ and Riley Etheridge as they explore his new album, ‘The Straight and Narrow Way’, wisdom and upcoming tour. Riley serendipitously collaborated to create this album and shares how…

  •  Join ‘She’ and Alec Bridges as they explore his music path, his upcoming creations, the contributions that Chinese medicine, tea and meditation have made to his entire life. Bio~ I…

  •  Join Jenni Brandon and ‘She’ as they explore composition, music, collaboration, listening focus and discipline. Jenni will share her wisdom and way in the world of music, yoga and everyday…

  • Join ‘She’ and Tina Malia as they discuss and celebrate her album ‘The Lost Frontier.’ They will explore her music, vision, connection to the universe and the unfolding of her…

  • Join ‘She’ and Marla Leigh as the explore her passion for the flute and the frame drum and her gift for playing it. Marla will share the alchemy she creates…

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