
  • Join ‘US’ in Sisterhood. DeAnna L’am and Suzanne Toro will dive into a conversation celebrating the MOON, Feminine and How to Reclaim Your Moon Cycle in Harmony with Nature, Divinity…

  • Migration…Nature

    by admin

    As the world turns, humanity is being asked to migrate in many different ways. During this moment of transition, there are many things to consider and new opportunities on the…

  • BeSimply…Rock Steady

    by admin

    Life is providing “US” with an invitation to dive deeper into the inner landscape. The current state of “affairs” are weighing on the collective and individual mind + heart.

  • What’s Next?

    by admin

    I have always asked a lot of questions. I have been this way since I was a little girl. I am not afraid to talk with people with different perspectives.…

  • “Modern” medicine is acknowledging food as medicine. Medical professionals are utilizing food and nutrients as an effective way to boost the immune system.

  • BeSimply…Courage

    by admin

    During Winter, we are encouraged to release fear. The ultimate fear for most of humanity is ‘death’. During the Winter, the Hopi honor how Mother Nature releases the energy of death from the earth. The tradition is to let her rest and to be careful not to disturb her. Which would mean to not dig into, dance on, or break the earth. This is also in preparation for the spring seeds that will soon be planted.

  • EnLIGHTen ME

    by admin

    The trend of yoga, mindfulness, ritual and spiritual mystique that has become commonplace in health, wellness, business, entertainment, athletics and personal lives globally. In fact, it is a multi-billion dollar industry. In addition, there are billions of photos on the World Wide Web documenting and expressing these practices, teachings, selfies, goods and more. All of which probably support and inspire many in one way or another. Yet, are any of these odes truly a sign of one’s level of consciousness or indicator they ARE or Soon TO BE” enlightened?

  • To Write…To Discover

    by admin

    I love to write stories and poetry. Both inspire me to bring those words to life with my voice and digital media. These creative processes and expressions are a sacred space that I relish loosing myself in. While, the poet in me might get woven into the words of a story and the story will eventually get layered beneath the prose…the journey is what keeps me engaged.

  • “The Parthenon (Ancient Greek: Παρθενών; Greek: Παρθενώνας, Parthenónas) is a former temple on the Athenian Acropolis, Greece, dedicated to the goddess Athena. The Parthenon is situated at The Acropolis of…