Since I was a young maiden, I attempted to find an alternative solution to [w]a(r). I innocently thought what about a chess match or just a one on one wrestling match. However, my father would point out the limitations to this approach. Here decades later, understanding even more the sobering truth of the wizard of O(z)! As I looked beyond the beyond the VEil, I was left with a deep knowing to encourage everyone to practice LOVE.
See it was the wizard’s idea to script out the great divide. Which was an invitation to oppress, divide, argue and forget. The divine exists in all of us. No matter what you want to call the divinity…it is a power that cannot be destroyed and exists in all of you. That POWER is LOVE.
As inspired, take many moments to reacquaint yourself with the mystery that runs through all things. If you choose to embrace that POWER…you will harness LOVe. May you hold it with great care and share it with reckless abandon. May you see it within yourself, in others and everywhere. As I see it…you are divine LOVE.
day’s…Saturday New Moon Arrived at October 14, 2023 at 10:55 am PDT coupled with a Solar Eclipse began at Nine:13 AM PDT. Entering into CYCLE NINE.
Entering into a NEW MOON: Every lunar cycle the “moon” reflects light and shadow. We have reached the New Moon in a month currently identified as OCTOBER in the Ninth Lunar Cycle (in coordination with Tibetan tradition).
As our brother’s and sisters in the Southern Hemisphere have fully enter into the Upward YANG WOOD Energy. They are starting to see the first signs of their creative efforts with the fresh seedlings beginning to sprout up. Their relation with what it means to practice patience with their inner and out humanity. Their Livers (anger) welcome them to cleanse and atone with the mastery of patience from within. Simultaneously, nurturing their creative energy to be utilized in a new way of creating their great work. In addition, our brother’s and sister’s in the Northern Hemisphere are nourishing their LUNGs and large intestines with the opportunity to release any stagnate grief and deepen in the ever present JOY. REJOICing in late summer’s gift which was anchored in the earth over this past lunation. Coupled with the expanding SPACE around US. Encouraging us to BREATHE Easy. These efforts have help us come into union with our inner and outer worlds. Now we have transitioned and anchored into the Trees and Space energy. As inspired, spend a little more time preparing to shed and reclaim your JOY and Patience with Fall and Spring.
No matter where you are on this earth…it will be necessary to SHIFT, renew and HONOR yourself. Continue to listen, observe and listen to where you can serve. As you listen feel the cosmic web of the divine hold you in your present life no matter what the condition. As inspired, give thanks for all that you are grateful for.
As inspired, slow down, look in and be with where your innate wisdom is directing your attention. LISTEN DEEPLY. Take action mindfully.
If you have prayer or vision requests, please comment below or feel free to DM. I will add them to my prayers and meditations. Weekly talks are an offering to assist you in diving deeper into a spiritual practice, your inner landscape and cultivate inner peace.
“The heart is a The thousand-stringed instrument that can only be tuned with Love.” ~ Hafez
“The heart is a The thousand-stringed instrument that can only be tuned with Love.” ~ Hafez