“As you live deeper in the heart, the mirror gets clearer and cleaner.” ― Rumi
The New Moon Arrived at Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 3:32 PM PST into LUNAR CYCLE Eleven.
As our brothers and sisters in the Southern Hemisphere are fully in the Upward YANG, WOOD Energy. They are starting to see the clear signs of their creative efforts with the fresh seedlings beginning to sprout up into young crops. Their relation with what it means to practice patience with their inner and outer humanity is deepening. Their Livers (anger practice) welcome them to cleanse and calibrate with the mastery of patience from within. Simultaneously, nurturing their creative energy to be utilized in a new way of creating their great work.
In addition, our brothers and sisters in the Northern Hemisphere are nourishing their LUNGs and large intestines with the opportunity to release any stagnate grief and actively practicing the LET GO. Surrendering and remembering how to receive. Simultaneously, many worldwide are REJOICing in the continued awakening of HUMANITY and a collective SPRING rising for all on the EARTH PLANE. Coupled with the expanding SPACE around US. The mystery is encouraging us to BREATHE Easy. These efforts are helping us come into union with our inner and outer worlds while simultaneously doing our part in the ancestral healing. Now, we are anchored into the Tree and Space energy and we are preparing to transition into WATER and Fire. Repose and Action.
This is an invitation to continuing to build upon all that Fall and Spring has offered you AND to start cleaning your mirror in all facets of your life and inner landscape.
No matter where you are on this earth…it will be necessary to POLISH those mirrors so you can SHINE BRIGHT and step fully into the era of mastery with great certainty. As inspired, continue to listen and observe for where you can serve. As you listen, feel the cosmic web of the divine MOTHER hold you in your present life, no matter what the condition of your life is…She will most certainly show you where to purify and prepare for the lunar cycle ahead.
Humanity you are ready to emerge. As this grand procession continues…slow down, look in and be with where your innate wisdom. Then, take action mindfully, open your heart and protect your soul.
“Be courageous and discipline yourself.
Work. Keep digging your well.
Don’t think about getting off from work.
Submit to a daily practice.
Your loyalty to that is a ring on the door.
Keep knocking, and the joy inside
will eventually open a window
and look out to see who’s there.”
― Rumi, A Year with Rumi: Daily Readings
Tuesday the Full Moon Arrived at December 26, 2023 at 4:33PM PST into LUNAR CYCLE Eleven. As our brothers and sisters in the Southern Hemisphere are gently leaving in the Upward YANG, WOOD Energy and entering into the FIRE. Moreover, they are continuing to see the clear signs of their creative efforts with the healthy crops grow into summer crops. Their relation with what it means to practice patience with their inner and outer humanity is deepening. Their Livers (anger practice) welcome them to keep cleansing and calibrating with their mastery of patience from within…as they transition into the FULL YANG energy. Simultaneously, nurturing their creative energy to be utilized in a new way of creating their great work.
In addition, our brothers and sisters in the Northern Hemisphere are finishing nourishing their LUNGs and large intestines with the continued opportunity to release any stagnate grief and actively practicing the LET GO. Surrendering and remembering how to receive. Simultaneously, many worldwide are REJOICing in the continued awakening of HUMANITY and a collective SPRING rising for all on the EARTH PLANE. Coupled with the expanding SPACE around US. The mystery is encouraging us to BREATHE Easy. These efforts are helping us come into union with our inner and outer worlds while simultaneously doing our part in the ancestral healing. Now, we have anchored and replenished the Tree and Space energy and we have begun the the transition into WATER and Fire. Repose and Action. Winter. Summer.
No matter where you are on this earth…as you continue to POLISH those mirrors so you can SHINE BRIGHT and step fully into the era of mastery with great certainty. There is a rise of a little extra wood energy to stoke the fire. As you listen, feel the cosmic web of the divine MOTHER hold you in your present life, no matter what the condition of your life is…She will most certainly show you where to continue purifying. Then, as the pause arrives you will be invited to reconcile what you have washed away. This will require tolerance. Finally, you will have the extra space to apply discipline to the areas you are destined to master.
Humanity you are ready to emerge? As this grand procession continues…slow down, look in and be with where your innate wisdom. Then, take action mindfully, open your heart and protect your soul.