Ways to Maintain Harmony within YOU…Surrender HERE
Surrender HERE. Cause and Effect
Then, welcome remembering your natural state of being…harmony and bliss. At this juncture you will naturally come from a place of service from moment to moment. When you are in harmony you are not making any effort, you will be at ease. You do not have to consciously by “mindful” because it will ‘BE’ your natural state of being. Furthermore, you will be objectively aware of how our thoughts, words and actions will potentially intersect each moment and what the true nature of cause and effect. When in this state of being, it is no longer just about you.
I share this because I had a beautiful experience yesterday teaching yoga to a group of individuals transforming their relationship to eating and self. One of the students shared her discomfort with her body and how difficult it was to participate or even watch me teach her. We talked through what this meant for her, she shared how uncomfortable she was in her body. Which is common side effect of an eating disorder. Rather than just pacifying her with a pep talk and ask her to try the class as I had planned, I asked her to share the postures that she is comfortable with. After some contemplation, she came up with child’s pose, prone posture and corpse. A (3) posture class. We went deep moving from child’s pose to prone and then they rolled over and they received sound in corpse. By moving through this class slowly the magic of a posture and the breath opened the students up to physical, emotional, spiritual and mental releases. This student cried for the first time and was able to experience yoga. As I share with all my yoga students, the asana (postures) are only one limb of yoga and they are what prepares the mind, body, heart and soul for meditation. In addition, I share the entire purpose of yoga is to welcome self into meditation while in corpse pose. When you master corpse you have mastered yoga. While, it is incredible to see what the human body will do and how supple the body can ‘BE’…no amount of “doing” will bring you to meditative repose. Furthermore, yoga was never intended to be an activity to show off your body…you will sense that yoga is starting to crack you open when the ‘I’ retires with the your senses and your inner ethics rise ‘UP’. The grasping starts to fall away and the mind with the heart are clear and open. Humility…is what ultimately leads you to this union (yoga) with self.
Which leads me to share, that not one yoga selfie will bring you into union with self, establish your self-worth and/or your level of expertise or embodiment as a yogi or yoga teacher. In addition, if the awareness is there you will have an natural sense that it is possible that which you present to the world in a class, on a mat or on-line might actually do more harm then good. I cannot stress how many people suffer silently. It is to be celebrated if you are find new levels of well being in your physical being; however, once your transcend the mind, heart, body and soul. You will humbly understand that yoga is not something that is flaunted (there is no need). It is something that is embodied and permeates in all aspects of your life.
As inspired, think twice before you posting another yoga selfie or a selfie (TBN: that is not me above…it is stock photography). Instead share your inner reflection of the harmony in a manner that can serve others…consider others before you flaunt any aspect of your life and take time to meditate more.
“Savasana might look like a nap at the end of your yoga practice. But it’s actually a fully conscious pose aimed at being awake, yet completely relaxed.” Chopra Center
Finally, the age of entitlement and “look at me” mentality eventually will have to fall away…if we authentically want all of humanity to be well. It is when all beings are well that higher states of consciousness are available for all of humanity. The true tribal way is to make sure everyone is well not just a few. Humility and service are needed to help others that need and/or want to find harmony from within. If you are there soften your gaze and extend a helping hand on and off the mat.
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu…“May all Beings everywhere be Free and Happy.”
Do You Mind…
Thoughts rattling with resonance of sand etchings
Pictures blur between fiction and fact.
“Sound” fades as Sand Blows ‘Way’
Memories Welcome “Lost”
Heart Opens…Air Creates Space
Emotions fly way with the Essence… A Spring Bouquet!
What more do you need to address?
Mind clears with silence’s aide Heart breathes…Way to Another Day.
How do you want to DRESS? Does it warp and hold you in your ‘best’?
Do the worn threads remind you of what you want not to forget?
Does ‘Mind’ know Best?
Heart sighs and GIVES ‘Way’
Creating Space for ‘Yet’, ‘Another’ & ‘Day’… May it reflect ‘BEST!’
~ ‘She’
CALL to Action…
3 Cups of Tea and 3 Questions with ‘She’