Ayurvedic Spring Tip:
Nature provides foods that are naturally bitter, astringent and pungent. A tenant in Ayurveda is to satisfy all tastes in every meal: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, astringent and pungent. The reason for this is to balance all the elements that are part of your physical body and the outside world. In Spring, we want to create the cleansing and sprouting motion as mirrored in nature (ie. The budding and blooming flowers). We want welcome our vitality into forward and outward motion. The attention to making sure you are integrating all 6 tastes into your daily meals with an emphasis on bitter, astringent and pungent will help balance your entire being in spring.
Examples of foods with bitter taste: kale, Swiss chard, dandelion, broccoli and collard greens.
Foods with astringent taste: lentils, beans, pumpkin, artichoke, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, spinach, parsley, barley, buckwheat, quinoa and watercress.
Foods with pungent taste: leek, arugula, turnip, radish, scallion, ginger, black pepper, cumin, bay leaf, mustard, basil, and rosemary.
The above recipe gives an opportunity to play with all the tastes and see how it meets your taste buds and digestion.
As I always share…one size does not fit all in any or all aspects of life (especially with food). You are best to listen to you.If you need assistance and/or want to learn more send me a message.

Life Continues. Awareness Guides. Heart Within You. Dance Seaside.
The world around all of us is a fast moving dynamic system that has far exceeded the necessary pace modeled by this world system (aka Mother Nature). Yet, there continues to be a grasping from many beings to push beyond one’s natural state of awareness, physicality and current capacity (To be noted: your capacity is based on your eternal being, karma (cause and effect), knowledge retained and wisdom mastered. With mindful effort in this life you will continue to grow, transform and evolve. Even achieve your life’s great work).
The current demand to run ahead…is similar to wanting to mathematically solve physics problems before even learning how to solve algebraic problems. Which ultimately, will require each self to start by learning the basics. The on demand and/or co-oped “solutions” that may or may not benefit the immediate and/or future visioned outcomes. These choices need to be deeply considered. Hence, you can settle into what mother nature mirrors so beautifully to all of us. You can remember how to return to your natural state of being…harmony with your inner and outer world.
When, you become present with yourself and the world, you will start to feel into your individual pace, your capacity and you community’s dynamic flow. Each and every person’s energy is equal; however, each person move and distribute their energy at a different rate. If we all moved at the same speed, we would eventual flow into an entrained trance leading you to pass out from exhaustion or fall into a deep slumber. Hence, within this world system, there will be a natural pause in the entrainment. The reason for this is because we are all different. Eventually, you will need to return to your natural beat to help the whole retain harmony. You can think of all the rates of energy being distributed in a forest from the insects, microorganisms, plants, animals, humans and so on. It is truly incredible to observe and contribute to the miracles unfolding in nature. It is a complex web of energy that relies on you.
During Spring and Fall Seasons, it is an opportunity to play with the dynamic ‘nature’of motion. Which can bring you back to the foundation of all mathematical processes… counting and a simple two step. Then, you can build from there. If inspired, take some time to feel into your natural rhythm and how you most naturally can contribute your true nature to the world around you. Once, you harness this uniqueness you will feel more empowered to beat to your own drum. The miracles will unfold from there. ~sT

Collaboration with Shef. Suzanne Toro is creator of revolutionary Bare Naked Dinners, Suzanne provides guests with atantalizing culinaryexperience designed to inspire conversation and laughter while encouraging innerawareness,during which guests can lower their walls and open up to one another in a positive and enrichingmannerwhile dining on sumptuous cuisine. Suzanne is a Food Alchemist with her wanderlust heartand cultural roots thatinfluence her recipes and menus. Italian, Mediterranean, Island Nations andAsia are some of the regions of the worldthat have shaped the food she prepares for others.Furthermore, she is passionate about serving clean, organic cuisinethat will nourish your well being.Finally, she infuses Seasonal foods, Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine and Herbalism into her dishes. The result…balance.