Join Suzanne Toro and Matteo Lundgren
We will connect with a few topics he is passionate about Water, Food, Inspiration, Appreciation, and Poetry. Matteo’s enthusiasm is contagious. His words are seeds that lead to creation of new poetry, concepts and perspectives. His love for water, food and humanity inspires ‘US’ into Action.
An amazing interview…’She’ is continually inspired by Matteo’s passion for life and ability to direct our attention to the solutions and the wisdom.
Water! Blue and Pellucid,
glistening white crystals shimmer natures alchemy within every crystals architectural symmetry,
Water, dancing to the beat of the ocean in the shadow of the moon, her waves I want to run my fingers through,
WATER, is my hero,
A conductor orchestrating this symphony of life flow,
growing every piece of food I eat, hydrating all of human activities, from agriculture to industry,
seeding every material good in our western economy,
IPODS, clothing, to your starbucks coffee,
it’s all because of WATER, A genuine visionary,
2 parts hydrogen, 1 part oxygen,
this simple mysterious life making chemistry,
is the fluid that lubricates the workings of every cell in my BODY…
Water is a PROPHET, a living witness to our planet’s entire history,
One day I sat down with her and asked her whats she’s seen,
Her past is overwhelming, touching the lips of her first true love, Poseidon,
the only taste for Gandhi during his fast to defeat oppression,
clearing Dr. Kings throat to unite us in A DREAM,
to a past more frightening, seeing every war in its horrific unfolding, repressing blood through the soil unconsciously, trying to forget,
The Genocides in the name of progress,
The pacification campaign murdering 100’000’s of Fillipinos,
the slaughtering of Native Americans for GOLD,
“How could I have hydrated such massacres!” She howls!
The Rwandan Genocide, and I tried and tried in Nigeria to quench the thirst of the millions who died of dehydration, BUT I was damned back!”
“That’s enough” I say, “we have run out of time today,” my heart pounding wanting to fix everything, supportive words solidifying,
“continue practicing your breathing exercises and next week, as difficult as it might be, you will have to accept responsibility, for your own healing…
A knot forming in my stomach, alone and pondering, am I helping? Water!
her tears mist the morning grass with dew, poisoned in an oil residue, her lovers disregard as he continues to pollute and misuse, water,
the mascara runs black on her shoreline plastic trash splattered from constant abuse,
She’s Weeping,
pleading for the kindness and respect she deserves,
HER relationship spiraling running on reserves,
and she just keeps giving,
even in this assholes desecration,
as her therapist I tell her to leave him,
But she is convinced to give him another try, because he would just wither and DIE, without her,
“I AM GOING TO CHANGE, I’m sorry,”
“You’ll have to earn that” she cries…
-Matteo Lungdren
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Moving through a transition? Want to find balance and reconnect with your center? Want to reconnect with your environment and the alchemy of food? Connect with Suzanne one-on-one...visit Embrace the medicine of Essential Living Foods. Want to recommend something or someone that is ready to have a light shine on them? 'She' at Connect... BeSimply Broadcasts BareNakedBliss on Amazon Facebook BareNakedExperience Twitter Etsy BeSimplyCafePress