Ahhh…Communication…Technology..She …and ‘She’ is so electric…the universe wants ‘US’ to hear this interview in its raw transparent state…(hint) the shape of things to come…
Content includes: Patrick Geryl, Solar Activity, Clif High, Matterium, 7 sacred plants, crop circles, earthquakes, inland seas, 9.11.11, 10.11.11, 1.6.12, 12.20.12…Lettuce & Kale, Beyond linear education, Self imposed World Economic Crisis, Asia, Australia, South America, Meditation, Bipolar earth and human impacts, Weeping Mountains…the big Shake and Bake…Food where shall we grow thee?
Innovation and opportunity…
“Visiblie is the manifestation, but freed of desire all that is visible is the mystery of universe” Lao Tzu~
This is ‘She’…signing out tSu…
Part 1
Ahhh…Communication…Technology…Covert listeners… Don’t mind some of the static sharpen your jedi skills and listen closely…the universe wants ‘US’ to hear this interview in its raw transparent state…(hint) the shape of things to come…
Content includes: Global Economic Crisis, Death of the Dollar, the Potential to Celebrate like the Munchkins in the Wizard of OZ, Global Food Obstacles, Indoor Gardens, Two Seasons the long and short of it, Reptilian-Reptilians…in the house (who is in charge anyway?), Music, Energy, Free energy devices…need SILVER (hint), Will humanity reorganize?, Love and Compassion the value of Human Emotions…All things considered…”We” still have a chance to turn this boat around…
Part 2
Last 10
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Clif High 8.3.11Part 1
Clif High 8.3.11 Part 2
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Clif High at Half Past HumanWeb Bot ForumBook a One on One Session and dive deeper into Self Love with Suzanne Toroor want to recommend something to shine a light on... email "she" at s@suzannetoro.com