This Week: All of humanity is calling for solid ground. While, local to global provocateurs are left, right and center, you might evaluate where you can anchor into the earth and contribute to building ‘well’ surroundings. By making this self-inquiry, you will begin to discern where to focus and be. You can start by simply asking one question, “Where and How Can I Serve?” The answer will lead you in a most certain direction. It will be a healthy alternative. Rather than taking the bait being cast out in all directions, simply turn in and lead with your helping hands.
As inspired, listen deeply, deepen your relationship your inner integrity. Align yourself with your inner earth and water. Then, being practicing reciprocation. Receiving + Giving. There is plenty.
Weekly talks are an offering to assist you in diving deeper into a spiritual practice, your inner landscape and cultivating inner peace.
Time Stamps: Dharma 0 Meditation :18:50 Sound :46:00. Outro 1:21:30
“I wish I could show you, When you are lonely or in darkness, The Astonishing Light Of your own Being.” ~ Hafiz
‘River’ by Cadre Scott
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Random Rab
Random Rab Interview:
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Dante Marino
Sound Suzanne Toro

Moving Beyond. Equanimity. Do you want to practice moving beyond the never ending grasping for another need for speed and a rush of anything?
In a previous article about the heart, I have shared there are many individuals who have mastered bypassing emotions (expressing and feeling). This might include you. This is very common when someone has experienced abuse, a traumatic event and/or a traumatic loss of someone they love. The reason for ‘the work around’is the subconscious mind is initially attempting to protect itself from any additional emotional pain and/or future heart break. While, this might be a necessary life preserver until one finds solid ground. However, if this ‘no emotions allowed practice’ becomes your daily way of being (which was an approach passed down through several generations: silent, boomers and even prior to the silent ones) you will run the risk of disconnecting yourself from relating to your inner and outer worlds with this vary valuable emotional information acting as a bridge. Your emotions are the response to the signals received from your information gatherer (aka soul) and the soul gives you physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual cues. These cues are to assist you in knowing what to do in the present moment. The emotional body gives you context to process and take action based on what is unfolding around you.
I share this again here because possibly you like many of my clients that have shielded your emotions and heart. You (like them) might have inadvertently disconnected yourself from your connection to your soul and the divine. This is why many lose faith when they meet adversity. I share with anyone that will listen ‘turn in’ not out. Many of these individuals are powerhouses and others keep quietly to themselves that have mastered building a fortress around their heart. Furthermore, they have discovered that if they bypass their emotions then life is less complicated. I explain how and why I am going to welcome them to open up their heart again. Ultimately, it is so they can live fully, peacefully and joyfully.
There are three important reasons to open up your heart:
To be in clear communication with your soul (aka eternal being). You are a spiritual being have a human experience. Your soul is the wise one within you with a destiny to learn and master many things during this precious human life.
To be in clear communication with the divine (aka the unexplainable energy) that runs through all things and supports all that is in mysterious ways.
To be in governance of your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies. This will assist you in remaining in harmony with the divine and your eternal being.
I reassure my clients and you that once they deepen into this practice, they will begin to authentically embody…EQUANIMITY. They will start to cross over and move beyond being in a reactionary dance (aka cause and effect) with themselves and the world around them. This will feel similar but different from the shield they had built up around themselves. There is no other way to walk around this process, it requires courage to walk into the heart and sea of divinity.
If you are inspired by the possibilities that reside in your heart center, simply begin by daily sitting in silence and begin the practice of listening. You will not hear words, you will have ‘a knowing’ rise up from within. That knowing will assist rebalancing and reconnecting you to your emotions, the divine and your soul. All of which will assist you in living freely and in equanimity. Are you READY?

If you want to maintain dynamic fluid motion, master your relationship with yourself.
Remember the previous programming to the Generation called X, “listen to your head not your heart”. You consciousness is expressing itself in dynamic fluid motion from within. You are in a continuous dance with the divine and your eternal being spirals up and down your physical body. Your soul and the divine communicate by sends signals ‘to and from’ your mind, heart, stomach, throat and sacral. When you keep all these energy centers open and balanced you will find you feel at ease and FLOW with your life (no matter what is unfolding).
As inspired, Anchor at the heart. Ground at your feet. Retain Awareness. Keep your mind CLEAR. Then, utilize your mind, heart and body for the benefit of all. To the best of your capacity and awareness in this present moment.

Offerings. If you are inspired, take a walk into nature and observer, receive and give offerings to nature and the divine. Simple offerings of elements of nature serve as thank you for all that is provided for all of us on the earth plane. No matter how or why you believe it all is here, I would gently remind all of you (and me) that daily moments of giving thanks via an offering for these abundant and regenerating resources will serve you well.
As inspired, see what nature places in front of you. Receive with a soft gaze. Then listen and gather what you would like to offer back. Nature and the divine are always be happy to receive. These offerings can even take shape in many forms, like a random act of kindness or an expression of generosity, there are no rules. Listen at your heart, offer from within.