A day of Silence
Can be a pilgrimage in itself.
A day of Silence
Can help you listen
To the Soul play
In marvelous lute and drum.
Is not most talking
A crazed defense of a crumbling fort?
I thought we came here
To surrender in Silence,
To yield to Light and Happiness,
To Dance within
In celebration of Love’s Victory!’
~ Hafiz ‘I Heard God Laughing’
This Week: As we continue to feel the winds rise within the seasons of Fall and Spring. I am inviting you to contemplate the possibility within listening, caring and service. As the trees shed their leaves and the seedlings begin to sprout ether steps into the foreground to support us and guide us from here to there. If you are ready to listen and be, this is a great segment to contemplate how you transmit and receive.
As inspired, listen deeply, deepen your relationship your inner integrity. Align yourself with your ether and wood. Then, being practicing reciprocation. Receiving + Giving. There is plenty. Hint…Let go of the river banks.
These weekly talks are an offering to assist you in diving deeper into a spiritual practice, your inner landscape and cultivate inner peace.
Time Stamps: Dharma 0 Meditation :24:00 Sound :50:00. Outro 1:26:00
“Peace can be reached through meditation on the knowledge which dreams give. Peace can also be reached through concentration upon that which is dearest to the heart.” Patanjali
‘River’ by Cadre Scott
Purchase River Single Here
Random Rab
Random Rab Interview:
Purchase Album
Dante Marino
Sound Suzanne Toro
Heart + Mind Food
A common phrase being used in the medical community is ‘Evidence-based medicine’ (EBM). It is said to be a systematic approach to patient care that uses the best available scientific evidence and clinical expertise to make decisions. The approach is very similar to how medicine has been delivered in the past and present. However, it is being used with another layer of information that can be accessed rapidly (Meta data and AI). While, all of this information is valuable for consideration there is another important deliberation to be made. The information to be weighed is being communicated from your eternal being within your heart and mind. Both of these energy centers carry message pathways that integrate an intelligence within you that is best to be reviewed. Especially, when you are discerning how you want to come into balance and harmony (aka well being). This is how many ancient sages transformed, long before here, they accessed practices and methods by interfacing with this wisdom from within. The ‘proof’ for the sages was in the immediate and future results that materialized in their life. While it is helpful to analyze and consider the ‘data’, it is equally important for you to consider the intelligence running through you.
Furthermore, it is valuable to remember both will become your checks and balances. Ultimately, guiding you to the possibilities that have the greatest benefit for self and others. While, the neuroscience, mental health, naturopathic, nutrition, herbalism and western-functional medical fields might feel they are making great strides forward with this additional layer of information. There is still the necessary acknowledgement and consideration of the unexplainable. The reason for this is because you are unique and you are interfacing with this undefinable energy. Coupled with our collective dance (aka actions) that was co-created by all our efforts long before here and in each moment unfolding. Which manifests as the present moment everywhere (aka effect). While, you are perfectly where you need to be within your eternal dance with the universe. There is also infinite possibilities at your fingertips to take an action that will have the most beneficial outcome. Yet, the data and studies (which are limited in their true nature) will ultimately only paint a picture including part of the possibilities. Which leads me to encourage you to create the space to interface with your power and the unexplainable field in and around you. You can access this most effortlessly via your heart and mind. The ‘science’ can account for the four major pathways of communication between the heart and mind. These pathways are neurological (through the transmission of nerve impulses), biochemical (via hormones and neurotransmitters), biophysical (through pressure waves) and energetic (through electromagnetic field interactions). All of which have an influence over all aspects of your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual well being. The unexplainable that you can access via your mind and heart is beyond and is not dependent on the data; yet, the field does have access to every last bit of it.
Now, you might ask where do I start? There are a few places that will benefit your ability to clearly ‘hear’ and move into fluid action from within. The listening is happening within the subtle exchanges that are transmitted beyond words, visions, sounds and/or impulses. All of these can actually create the interference. Hence, you are best to be the captain of your soul, body, mind, and heart.
Cultivating a daily practice of SILENCE. Bum to the cushion with just you. No props. Just YOU. If your mind is super busy. I encourage you to keep your eyes open and gently gaze at a single focal point.
Sit with all that you are contemplating or digesting for at least 24-48 hours. Sleep on it. Again, listening not with your ears. Listening with your awareness.
Practicing Presence in every moment. BE where you are. Even if you are on these devices you can practice holding presence between you and the device. Yet, you are best to spend most of your days and nights in the natural world. This is because ‘artificial’ influences will impact the pathways between your heart and mind.
Practice being objective. When you can walk around all sides of what ever is unfolding for you, put aside emotional upheaval and let go of creating dualistic power dynamics. It will be easier for you to hear and know what is the next best action.
As inspired, start with one of those steps listed above. Then, if you want to go beyond these practices or have questions, please send them my way. I am happy to share more and guide you, as you wish.