'She' met Greg one winter evening in Westwood, California. During, a gathering of individuals
discussing the possibility of manifesting and creating change for the betterment of humanity.
Some might think their visions were all too lofty and beyond possibility...the room carried the
vibration of transformation. After ‘her’ first conversation with two soul brothers...‘She’ looked
at Greg, and thought, “I remember you.” He looked at her, smiled and then said, “You get it.” There
were really no need for words just a mutual understanding for each other.
Later that night, when Greg was leaving, he looked at ‘she’ again from across the room and bowed.
She returned the bow and smiled. Over the years, their conversations and telepathic communications
have led them to support each other as any good sister and brother would. Checking in from time to time.
After ‘her’ first conversation with two soul brothers...‘She’ looked at Greg, and thought,
“I remember you.” He looked at her, smiled and then said, “You get it.” There were really no need
for words just a mutual understanding for each other.
Later that night, when Greg was leaving, he looked at ‘she’ again from across the room and bowed.
She returned the bow and smiled. Over the years, their conversations and telepathic communications have
led them to support each other as any good sister and brother would. Checking in from time to time.
It is with great honor that, ‘She’ introduces you to Greg Wendt...a brother, a friend and an individual
committed to transforming our communities, our relationship with wealth, food and each other. Sit back
and enjoy the questions and the answers...If you are inspired, I encourage all of you to continue the
conversation, seeding the possibilities for transformation and a new world view.
A creation inspired by our conversation:
If your are inspired support a local merchant, product or farmers market.
Contact information:
Gregory Wendt, CFP VP Sustainable & Responsible Investing - EP Wealth Advisors, Inc. www.epwealth.com www.gregwendt.com Founder - Green Economy Think Tank, www.greeneconomythinktank.org Co-Founder - Green Business Networking, www.greenbusinessnetworking.org
Recommended Reading by Greg Wendt
Althernatives to Economic Globalization - A report of the International Forum on Globalization The Great Turning from Empire to Earth Community - David Korten The Real Wealth of Nations - Riane Eisler Natural Capitalism - Paul Hawken Deep Economy - Bill McKibben Soul Currency - Ernest Chu Blue Economy - Gunther Pauli The End of Money and the Future of Civilization - Thomas Greco And of course his blog www.sustainablewealth.blogspot.com Articles to note: http://sustainablewealth.blogspot.com/2011/01/article-i-wrote-social-capital-markets.html http://sustainablewealth.blogspot.com/2010/12/applying-feminine-values-to-guide.html http://sustainablewealth.blogspot.com/2010/12/capitalism-20-how-big-money-is-shifting.html http://sustainablewealth.blogspot.com/2009/03/gospel-of-consumption.html http://sustainablewealth.blogspot.com/2010/04/sustainable-and-responsible-investing.html