Please Join Suzanne Toro and Robin Youngblood as they dive into a conversation and exploring her sharing how she is bringing Grandmothers together to form councils to address the challenges in their local areas…from children, food, and creating sustainability.
We will explore some of the indigneous prophecies and how they are especially impacting the women. Finally, we will explore the significance of the Medicine Wheel and how it aides in the transformation of ourselves, our families, our communities and our world in this time of Great Shift.
Support the Tribe:
(Tsalagi for “Peace on Earth”)
Grandmother Rev. Robin Tekwelus Youngblood
Maui Grandmothers Council
“Path of the White Wolf”
order at:
Want to align, create and actualize your vision?...Moving through a Transition?
Want to find balance?
Connect with Suzanne one-on-one...visit 'She' at S@suzannetoro.comConnect…
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