Focus: Engage discernment from within to the outer world around you. Contemplate and remember how to bridge earth and heaven within you. Finally, lean into your inner rhythm and alignment.…
Giving Tree
Dharma Talk: Strength. Courage. Expel Evil.
Every lunar cycle the “moon” reflects light and shadow. We have entered the darkness of the moon. A time that encourages repose and listening.
The New Moon Arrives(d) today, January 31, 2021 at 9:59 PM PST (-8 UTC). As inspired listen deeply, observe (pause), see what is over the next few days. Take that information and heal, let go, transform it and/or prepare to move into action.
Focus: Empower You. The Wetiko (Wetiko is a “psychosis” in the true sense of the word as being a “sickness of the soul or spirit.) We will explore the darkness and the unseen energy that feeds the ‘wetiko’ (aka narcissism). Part 2. We will dive deeper into how you are relating, being food for and expressing the wetiko. In addition, I will welcome you to identify where you are most likely to be susceptible and being impacted by the wetiko. Finally, I will encourage you to see where you can take responsibility for staying in a relationship, job, living situation and more. From there we will have a foundation to assist you from reclaim your power for the benefit of well living and helping others.