Manipulation. How to learn to stand in your own truth and avoid being manipulated and/or manipulate others. The need to control or be controlled is rooted in a base fear.…
During the Spring, Wood energy is literally and figuratively rising. The emotion behind the season is ANGER. Which can be caused by stagnation and unexpressed emotions that lead us to ANGER. One of the best remedies to for anger is KINDNESS. Any act of kindness cultivates JOY. As inspired, practice kindness and cultivate some JOY! Explore and Align with ‘Self’, How to reconnect to Self? ‘She’ will share how to cultivate JOY. Parables shared…Walk through a guided…
We will explore ‘love’ and it the powerful gifts it holds in the heart center. These tools of breathwork, guided imagery, and wisdom will assist in clearing the heart and the mind. Ultimately, cultivating compassion, joy, peace, harmony and balance to assist us in loving ourselves from within. We reflect on nature and how it supports our life force and our collective heart energy.
‘She’ will provide steps on how to remove co-dependency and align with self-reliance, regeneration and shoring up your foundation.
Guided Meditation, tools to assist you on your journey and support circle.
Attune, Align, and take a few steps FORWARD!
These segments are perfect for anyone walking through a life transition, disease, wanting to transform and authentically align the inner self. -
Authentic Healing
Authentic Healing starts with your willingness to meet the inner work by shifting your perspective, opening self to be patient with the process and discovering the inner knots that are the root cause of your suffering. In addition, trusting in the process and path to healing is important. Sometimes, we are not destined to heal in body or are destined to be free of our suffering in an instant. This is because that suffering is our teacher and rather than avoid it, I encourage you to face it when you are ready and have the strength and will to see the journey through to authentic healing.
Join me (aka she) for this segment that will help guide your to recognize where you are naturally ready to heal. Click on the player above or the links below. May your path to inner well being deliver you to a deeper understanding of inner peace, harmony and cause and effect. As inspire, contact me if you are needing guidance, have questions and/or want some support. -