I have always asked a lot of questions. I have been this way since I was a little girl. I am not afraid to talk with people with different perspectives. I actually value what they have to say. I want to know ‘why’.
My fairy god mother and I would drive around in her bright yellow VW bug. She would smoke, I would put out her cigarette at the age of 5. The questions would follow after I put out each cigarette. I wanted to know, WHY? We would cruise to the local galleries and museums…I was intrigued with life, culture and people. I wanted to understand humanity on a deeper level. I am still that way today. I love talking with people. I have deep compassion for humanity and want to engage in meaningful conversations and thoughtful debate with as many people that are willing. I love those conversations. That is hard to come by these days. Typically, I am immediately sized up, judged, told I am not worthy, threatened, blocked or wished to get ill/die. Yet, I am still that little 5 year old girl, asking a lot of questions. I am still that little girl that wants the best for my fairy god mother and humanity. If I ever get the chance to write about my great love affair it will be all about my love for HUMANITY. I am riveted by the human condition. The tenuous dance between duality, consciousness and inner and outer evolution. It captivates me.
Which, is why…MY HEART feels broken today. As I bared witness, to ‘what is’ unfolding across AMERICA, I thought surely the other cities will prepare. When, I realized this was not going to happen here in Long Beach, California I was filled with WHYS?
Then, my investigative reporting side kicked in. We drove directly into the belly of the BEAST. You can see one of the videos below this post. See in my great love affair with HUMANITY, I have a few achilles tendons. One is I will that react when HUMANITY is being manipulated and/or if someone is being treated differently or unfair. I have been this way all my life. I have always advocated for those who are not given equality or being held hostage to situations beyond their control. So, here is where this situation gets REAL for ME. The HUMANS are being manipulated and put in a very dangerous position not by our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT but by our LOCAL GOVERNMENTS. Simply put that elevates my heart rate and instinctively puts me into PROTECTOR mode. I have jumped out of a moving car to help another HUMAN. I am pretty sure this part of me will only deepen verses fall away. Especially, how I instinctively wanted to STOP the MILITANT GROUPs in their tracks. I WANTED TO KNOW…WHY? My heart is heavy because today I realize our local leaders across the USA and world are clearly not FOR HUMANITY. Otherwise, they would have taken proactive measures…NO MATTER ‘WHO’ IS DEMANDING THEY DO OTHERWISE.
SO, my question to ALL LOCAL CITY Officials and all of humanity rest here…
Where were you all on Saturday and SUNDAY?
The surrounding cities are ‘A DAY LATE’ and a ‘DOLLAR SHORT’.
Why did you all decide not ‘TO BE’ proactive?
You all must have seen what was unfolding in 29 cities across the USA. You all have access to intel that the public does not have. You all heard the DOJ announce that these were planned and coordinated interstate attacks on Saturday and FEDERAL CRIMES.
Why did you all wait?
Why did you encourage peaceful protest?
Why did you not move the demonstrations to OPEN PUBLIC SPACES (BEACHES, PARKS, MOUNTAIN TOPS, ZOOM and more SAFE SPACES….SAFETY FIRST)?
Why did you all avoid setting up the businesses and shopping/business districts for security?
(Dropping off plywood, blocking off roads in, and putting the national guard in sooner to protect the infrastructure)
Why did the local municipalities fail to take STRATEGIC ACTion?
I am deeply shocked by what I saw Sunday and saddened. WATCHING HUNDREDS UPON HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE DESTROYING BUSINESSES WITH NO ONE STOPPING THEM. This is A BIG WHY for LONG BEACH and CITIES across AMERICA…Especially, because this city (“Long BEACH”) organizes like no other city I have ever been part of. The clean up today and ply-wood store fronts were well orchestrated. That should have happened on Saturday. I want to know WHY?
In the future, LOCAL MUNICIPALITIES please consider CONSULTING PROFESSIONALS, TACTILE MILITARY PROFESSIONAL in the PRIVATE SECTOR to assist GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS in making decisions. It is clear to me that PUBLIC OFFICIALS have NO ‘real’ RISK MANAGEMENT experience (or natural ideas on the value of taking risks) from COVID to RIOTS. We CAN DO BETTER. I think it is time to ‘TAKE OFF THE MASKS’ and have a HEART to HEART. STOP POLICING ‘US’.
Clearly ‘THE PEOPLE’ could have done better by their communities than our local agencies. I value the possibilities of a city infrastructure; yet, I have lost FAITH IN it over the last 3 months. WE THE PEOPLE will need to consider how we can take care of our communities, heal together and transform into something that works in symbiosis with each other. This is POSSIBLE.
HUMANITY YOU ARE THE ONES YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR. While, my heart is broken, I will never stop loving and championing for the HUMANITY in all of US.
(CLARIFICATION… I have been accused of being “racist”. Anyone that knows me well…knows that is absolutely a false claim. I am honestly asking these questions because I am concerned for the city I love and the country we live in. I am concerned for humanity. I have raised my kids in Long Beach because I love the diversity and community of all life. My plight in life is to foster healing and transformation for aspects of humanity that I get to serve. Finally, I am not involved in politics nor am I affiliated with any political party. I stay informed and research ‘what is’. Then, I work with that body of information to serve where I can to create change.)


The trend of yoga, mindfulness, ritual and spiritual mystique that has become commonplace in health, wellness, business, entertainment, athletics and personal lives globally. In fact, it is a multi-billion dollar industry. In addition, there are billions of photos on the World Wide Web documenting and expressing these practices, teachings, selfies, goods and more. All of which probably support and inspire many in one way or another. Yet, are any of these odes truly a sign of one’s level of consciousness or indicator they ARE or Soon TO BE” enlightened?
I would respond, “NO.” In fact, it is quite the opposite. Most of what is portrayed as sacred or wisdom has an essence of grasping underplayed by the beautiful mask that is offered. The mask contains seeds that will eventually awaken in the pretender and in those who sip it up. (Click Here to Read More)
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