I have been sharing this regime with a few adds since the world turned left into house retreat. This has been an opportunity for everyone to learn about the differences between bacterial and viral infections. In addition, learn how to proactively keep you immune system strong. In Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, the medicine is food and the dance is to keep the entire system in harmony with self and the world around you.
I am excited to see that “HUMan MADE Medicine Industry” is acknowledging the basis of all pharmaceuticals are rooted from botany and earth mineral compounds. In addition, more “western” medical professionals are utilizing food and nutrients in their purest form as an effective way to return balance to the entire human system. It is ironic that most of the “medical” industry has feared acknowledging that proactive steps will lead to sustained well being. Yet, the worlds have been merging. FULL Circle. May the integrative efforts continue to grow between the East and West.
There are many ways you can strengthen your immune system. The following practices will assist you in retaining well being and returning balance to your entire being.
SPRING Remedy for Anger: Patience
“Virus” Psycho-Spiritual Remedies: Practice Patience, Generosity, Kindness& Humility
“Virus” Intelligence Practices:
+Stay Strong, Employ Critical Thinking
+Examine ALL Sides (investigate what you do not believe to be true. This takes courage)
+Investigate through objective research (not SM POSTS and the “NEWS” (both of which are tools to control your mind))
+Take action from Neutrality and Patience

Immune Boost + Retain Well Begin:
+Good Nutrients (eat as much fresh cooked foods. Veggies and Fruits. (Seasonal Organic Green Veggies are especially helpful)
+Vitamin B’s and C’s are proven to reduce the impact of any virus and this one (chewable and sublingual are best and/or in your food).
+Couple that with your daily dose of SUNshine and/or Vitamin D3.
+Selenium Rich Foods (i.e. Brazil Nuts, Salmon, Tuna, Turkey, Cottage cheese, chicken, mushrooms, halibut, eggs, navy beans, sardines, sunflower seeds, grass-fed beef, oats, beef liver) +Drink Plenty of Warm Water with lemon or without (Increase if ear, eyes, throat and/or nose are running).
+ZINC Rich Foods (i.e. 1. Meat. 2. Shellfish. 3. Legumes. 4. Seeds. 5. Nuts. 6. Dairy. 7. Eggs. 8. Whole Grains. 9. Some Vegetables. 10. Dark Chocolate.)
+Chaga Mushrooms (Laird Superfood Performance Mushroom Mix)
+ Chlorella, Blue Green Algae, and/or Wheat Grass
+Living Green Tea
+Meditate Daily (use my guided and sign up for someone one-on-one jedi training, during this crisis higher states of being can be accessed. It takes effort.
+Move that BODY, EXERCISE daily (This HELPS improve your blood oxygen levels and lung function)
+TURN OFF your Internet 5G and less at NIGHT and when you are not USING. +Reduce use of Social Media and in-take of the NEWS. If you want to consume, do it in small doses.
+Time to CREATE. Rather than worry, work on something you always wish you had time for.
+Stay CALM.
(To be noted: Please take the time to research contradicting interactions between all foods, supplements, vitamins, herbs and/or Big Pharma Medication you are taking. All Food is medicine. Similarly, every human will react differently to Food, Supplements, Vitamins, Herbs and Big Pharma Medication.

#springvirtue #patience #shinymirror #vitaminc #anger #action #clarity #zinc #stopvirus #sunshine #chaga #exercise

The trend of yoga, mindfulness, ritual and spiritual mystique that has become commonplace in health, wellness, business, entertainment, athletics and personal lives globally. In fact, it is a multi-billion dollar industry. In addition, there are billions of photos on the World Wide Web documenting and expressing these practices, teachings, selfies, goods and more. All of which probably support and inspire many in one way or another. Yet, are any of these odes truly a sign of one’s level of consciousness or indicator they ARE or Soon TO BE” enlightened?
I would respond, “NO.” In fact, it is quite the opposite. Most of what is portrayed as sacred or wisdom has an essence of grasping underplayed by the beautiful mask that is offered. The mask contains seeds that will eventually awaken in the pretender and in those who sip it up. (Click Here to Read More)
On-Going Food Alchemy Class Mind You + Food: Unlock Your Potential

Monthly Sol+Luna Support & Nourishment
Feel into the moment and learn how to share the emotions you want to build upon. Creating good vibrations with self and the world around you.

BeSimply…Winter’s Invitation {Look IN}