Shining a light on Mason Tyler, Founder of Superfeast. We explore herbalism, nature, harmony and SuperFeast.
“We really love tonic herbs and medicinal mushrooms. We take them every day. We think they’re awesome. We fell in love with them, they transformed us and we decided we needed to share them with the world…”
We are a family-owned business (zero investors)
We are huge health nerds!
Based in the Northern Rivers of NSW, Australia (this region includes Byron Bay and its surrounding volcanic hinterland – it’s paradise!)
We take the herbs ourself, give them to our families and friends
We go to extremes to uphold the Di Dao (Di Tao) philosophy
We will never, ever cut corners.
We only want to work with the best herbs. The herbs that are potent, rooted in history and lore, grown with their feet in the soil and the sun on their faces. We want our mushrooms to experience their potential as the connectors and unifiers of the forest before we ingest them, so we can take on those qualities too. Head over here, to see our founder Mason, at the source in rural, wild China, sourcing SuperFeast herbs.
We want our herbs to push up through rocky soil and to compete, to fight to survive, to grow strong. We want to take on those qualities, too. We want to support industries that have been operating for thousands of years, cultivating and ingesting these herbs. We believe in nature. We believe she provides the best feast.
We only sell what we take. It’s all the same. What we give to our families. And our friends. And to you. Just traditionally sourced herbs, extracted consciously, packed with love and delivered to your doorstep ;)” Mason Tyler, Superfeast
June Tonic…
Mason’s Mushrooms A super-blend of nourishing medicinal mushrooms hand-picked to support immunity, gut health, hormonal function and the nervous system. Revered in ancient herbal traditions, these potent adaptogenic herbs boost vitality and encourage longevity. June Tonic Mason’s Mushrooms Calm Down Energy UP…
Schedule a complimentary 21 Minute Herbal Consult