I am a HUGE fan of SuperFeast!
They recently created an educational women’s menstrual series with recommendations to help support the female moon cycle (aka menstruation). SuperFeast has created a beautiful e-book with easy to follow suggestions to support a healthy feminine cycle. They launched this valuable resource in conjunction with the recent Lunar New Year. Since, the Tibetan and Chinese are one lunar cycle apart this solar cycle, I wanted to post these gems now as a way to bridge the two Lunar New Years.
For those of you who have attended my Women’s Retreats or listened to my radio segments on female cycles…understand the importance of the female’s relationship to her lunar cycle in the present moment. I have decided to share the SuperFeast e-book, Discover the 4 Phases of Your Cycle, as (4) posts as they were delivered to me.
We start this journey with the “Winter” phase of menstruation. Which is the ‘let go phase’ of the female cycle. It is, by indigenous tradition, an invitation to be in retreat. While, our ‘modern’ society does not welcome women to take days off during their menstrual flow. However, you might consider integrating a short personal retreat into each lunar cycle. In addition, you might consider holding yourself in a container of personal silence and reduction of outward communication. The reason for honoring your cycle is to receive the medicine, let go of what no longer serves and contemplate the visions received during this sacred time. Moreover, you will need more space to replenish your system with good nutrition and self care.
Winter Phase of the Lunar Cycle
by Superfeast
“One aspect of health that is not acknowledged enough is our cyclical health – and yes I am referring to our hormonal menstrual cycles. Those of us who menstruate ebb and flow with lunar patterns, also known as the infradian rhythm. Other examples of earthly infradian rhythms include breeding, hibernation, migration, molting, tidal and seasonal cycles.
However, most genders think of a menstrual cycle as only the 3 to 7 days of actual bleeding. But, the menstrual cycle is a 21 to 35-day affair, split into four phases – menstrual, follicular, ovulatory, and luteal.
These phases are influenced by natural shifts and fluctuations of hormones. This means that a woman’s entire being is affected by the internal natural rhythms of the monthly menstruation cycle.
There are strengths in each phase, and so developing a healthy relationship and awareness of your personal cycle can help maximize your life potentials, while supporting your beautiful divine feminine body.
DAYS 1 to 5 days
◆ Qi ◆ Chaga ◆ Astragalus ◆ Turkey Tail
This is an excerpt from our “4 Phases of the Menstrual Cycle” e-book.
You can read the complete version by downloading it below. The Menstrual Phase we are focusing on this week is found on pages 3 and 4. “
*From the 5 elements of Chinese Medicine, I teach my students and clients, The Water Element is the focal element in the Winter Season. The Water Element within you can be seasonally and monthly balanced and honored within you. We are encouraged to examine our fears and transform them. Especially in relation to the Yin Channel. The added application of water during your female cycle will assist in the replenishment of your vital fluids. In addition, wash away the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual residue that is being pulled downward to the earth’s energy. ~ Suzanne
All of the above offerings are supportive for both the men and women on planet earth. I always like to remind everyone that one size does not fit all. If you would like to have a complimentary consultation to ask questions about nutrition, your menstrual cycle, vitality and herbal supplements please schedule at the link below.
If you are familiar with these products and have taken them before, I highly recommend ordering from Superfeast. I have been a customer for years and value their product, business ethics and dedication to serve their customers.